Substance use & Addiction Research
We initiate and carry out research in the field of substance use and addiction. Our primary emphasis lies in clinical treatment research, where we delve into the experiences and requirements of patients, user communities, and their families. Additionally, we advocate for a family-centric approach in both mental health care and substance abuse treatment.
The research group's objective is to conduct clinically relevant, high-quality research that enhances treatment options for individuals struggling with substance use and addiction issues, as well as their families and relatives, both nationally and internationally. We initiate projects based on emerging societal debates and in collaboration with user organizations and healthcare professionals. Our research encompasses the psychosocial, relational, and medical facets of substance use and addiction. We possess expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, emphasizing collaborative research. In line with the principles of open science, we strive to develop our projects to the fullest extent possible to foster research democratization.
Our most prominent ongoing projects include the NaltRec study and the NORAPT study.
Academic degree
PhD, Registered nurse with specialist education in mental health care, Master's degree in nutrition, health, and environment
Current research areas
Mental health, psychosocial factors related to substance use and addiction, family-focused treatment, collaborative research, adults and children as caregivers, open science.
Profile at the University of South-Eastern Norway (
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Current Research Field
Chronic Pain, Post-Traumatic Stress, Addiction Treatment.
• Researcher at Akershus University Hospital
• Associate Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway
• Researcher at Vestfold Hospital
Academic degree
Ph.D., Social Worker with a Master's in Psychosocial Work, Substance Abuse Treatment
Current Research Areas
• Naltrexone as treatment for opioid addiction (NaltRec study)
• Drug studies (BMX study, ATLAS4dependence study)
• Substance addiction, pain, and mental health (NORAPT)
• e-Treatment Alcohol (eBA study)
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Academic degree
Professor, MD, DMSci. specialist in Psychiatry and Pharmacology & Toxicology
Current Research Areas
Substance abuse and dependency, Pharmacological treatment of addiction, Psychiatry, Pain research
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Ingeborg Skjærvø
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Research and Development Unit for Mental Health at Akershus University Hospital, Researcher at the Clinical Research on Substance Abuse Unit at Oslo University Hospital, Employed at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies
Academic degree
Ph.D., Master's in Cognitive Neuropsychology
Current Research Areas
Pain among opioid dependents, Naltrexone, Substance abuse and crime
Academic degree
Ph.D. in Person-Centered Health Care, Master's in Clinical Health Care with a focus on Mental Health, Child Welfare Educator
Current Research Areas
Experiences with helpful assistance in mental health and substance abuse, Recovery and collaboration-oriented practices, Critical method and knowledge development in qualitative research
Academic degree
Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist Specialist in Adult Clinical Psychology
Current Research Areas
Long-acting naltrexone, Pain, Trauma, Substance abuse and dependency
Linn C. Wergeland Digranes
Special Consultant/Leader of the Research Committee (FU) at ARA
Academic degree
Psychiatric Nurse
Current Research Areas
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Academic degree
Social Worker with a Master's in Psychosocial Work, Substance Abuse Treatment
Current Research Areas
Naltrexone as Treatment for Opioid Dependency
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Academic degree
Psychiatric Nurse Specialist, Master's in Mental Health Care
Current Research Areas
Naltrexone, Opioids, Substance abuse, Dependency, Mental Health
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Academic degree
Nurse, Master's in Diaconal Studies
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Jon Mordal
Researcher at Ahus Consultant/Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Substance Abuse and Dependency, Clinic for Mental Health and Addiction, Vestfold Hospital Trust
Academic degree
Ph.D., M.D.
Current Research Areas
NaltRec, E-Therapy for Alcoholism
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Academic degree
Professor, Ph.D.
Current Research Areas
Pain Physiology, Genetics
Linn Gjersing
Researcher at the Department of Substance Use and Tobacco, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Associate Professor, Lovisenberg Diaconal University College
Academic degree
Current Research Areas
Farid Juya
LIS Doctor/Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Substance Abuse and Dependency, Clinic for Mental Health and Addiction, Vestfold Hospital Trust
Academic degree
Ida Mathisen
University Lecturer/Ph.D. Candidate at the University of South-Eastern Norway
Academic degree
M.Sc., Nurse
Research Areas
NaltRec, Experiences of Relatives with Opioid Dependency in Close Relationships
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Academic degree
Ph.D. in Health and Sports Science, Master's in Psychosocial Work with a specialization in Substance Abuse Issues, Social Worker specialized in Addiction Therapy
Current Research Areas
Substance Abuse Field, Relatives, Quality of Life, Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Literature Studies
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Marie Eikemo
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Methodology, Work, Culture, and Social Psychology Unit at the University of Oslo
Academic degree
Current Research Areas
Ida Brenna
Ph.D. Candidate in the NaltRec Study Senior Adviser, Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services
Ann-Christin Sannes
Researcher at Ahus Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Behavioral Science at Oslo Metropolitan University
Academic degree
Current Research Areas
Martin Trøstheim
Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Oslo
Academic degree
Current Research Areas
NaltRec (Ahus), NorOp study (Oslo University Hospital)
Arild Opheim
Ph.D. Candidate, Head of Research Departement for Substance Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital
Academic degree
Current Research Areas
Long-acting naltrexone in the treatment of opioid dependency
- Avdeling for helseledelse og helseøkonomi, Universitetet i Oslo
- Barn av rusmisbrukere (BAR)
- BarnsBeste, Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk for barn som pårørende
- BlåKors
- Haukeland Universitetsykehus
- KorusØst
- Monash University, Australia
- Oslo universitetssykehus/ RUSFORSK
- Oslo Met-storbyuniversitetet
- ProLARNett (interesseorganisasjon for LAR-brukere)
- Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
- RIO (Rusmisbrukernes Interesseorganisasjon)
- SERAF (Senter for rus og avhengighetsforskning, Universitetet i Oslo
- Spillavhengighet Norge
- Sykehuset i Vestfold
- Sørlandet sykehus HF
- Universitetet i Agder
- Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
- University of New York, Langone School of Medicine, USA
- Voksne for barn
- Folkehelseinstituttet