Orthopedic Research Group

The group researches in all aspects of Orthopedic Surgery, from basic science and biomechanics to developing new techniques and clinical studies. During the last five years, the group has conducted five randomized controlled trials (RCT) on hip, wrist, and clavicular fractures and a multicenter RCT on Achilles ruptures involving over 600 patients which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The research group, led by Professor Per-Henrik Randsborg, consists of more than 30 consultants, residents, and research staff. In the group, 17 researchers hold Ph.D. degrees. On average, there is one doctoral defense annually and seven consultants/residents from the group are enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo. 

The research group has five positions affiliated with the Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo:

The Orthopedic Research Group at Akershus University Hospital was established in 2014 when Orthopedic Surgery was separated from the Division of Surgery and organized into a new Division of Orthopedic Surgery. Research was organized in the division´s staff until 2023 when a separate department for orthopedic research was established. The reasons for the structural change are both strategic and organizational. It is expected that the change will increase research activity, raise the academic level of the research group, and increase the group's visibility, impact and acknowledgment within the division and organization and externally towards other institutions and research environments.  

During the last decade, the research group has experienced stable development and has established itself as one of the major research groups in orthopedia in Norway. This is reflected in two significant grants from KLINBEFORSK, two publications in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in the last two years, and several publications in top-rated orthopedic journals, such as the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery and the Bone and Joint Journal.

Our vision

To conduct clinically relevant research closely tied to patient care.

The overarching goal is to contribute knowledge and expertise that enhance diagnostics, patient care and patient safety and reduce adverse events in healthcare services. Furthermore, research in the division aims to improve the recognition of Akershus University Hospital and encourage increased collaboration between divisions, other healthcare institutions, and international partners. 

The focus of the research group's research is aligned with Akershus University Hospital's overarching vision and the research strategy of the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority.

The research group will engage in clinical research on common orthopedic conditions and injuries where there is a rapid transition from research to implementation. Large patient groups with significant potential for improved, simplified, and more effective treatment are prioritized. The group will address Health Economics and societal considerations.

The group will build on the already strong collaboration with national health registries such as the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register (NAR), The Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry (NKLR), the Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery (NORSpine), and the Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE).

The research group aims for all clinical subspecialty units to have ongoing clinical projects. It is a goal for all subspecialty units to have at least one specialist with mentoring competence and a Ph.D.

For a more detailed description of the group´s research strategy read the Division of Orthopedic Surgery Research Strategy 2024-2029.

Research goals for the period 2024-2029

  • Increase research collaboration with other healthcare institutions and other organizations.
  • Continue the stablishment and development of the 3D lab in partnership with other divisions.
  • Increase success in securing external funding.
  • Seek new sources of funding.
  • Focus on interdisciplinary research.
  • Establish a practical research support service in the Division of Orthopedic Surgery.
  • Recruit more employees in the division to research.
  • One doctoral defense per year.
  • Develop a career path in the Division of Orthopedic Surgery after completing a Ph.D.
  • Establish research activity at Kongsvinger Department, Division of Orthopedic Surgery.
  • Strengthen training and expertise among new researchers in the clinic.

  • The research group has established an innovation culture in the last few years. Researchers from the Division, Hendrik Fuglesang and Max Temmesfeld, have been included in UiO´s Innovation Program SPARK Norway with their project 'A solution to the kneecap fracture problem' and have received innovation funding from both the Norwegian Research Council and Novo Nordisk.
  • In 2022, Ståle Myhrvold and co-workers' manuscript, Nonoperative or Surgical Treatment of Acute Achilles' Tendon Rupture (pubmed.gov) was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
  • In 2021, our 3D-lab pioneer led the work on establishing a 3D lab at Akershus University Hospital. The research group has been actively involved in setting up the 3D lab, which is a collaborative project between the Division of Surgery and the Division of Orthopedic Surgery, the Division for Research and Innovation at Ahus, and the University of Oslo.
  • Project leader Rune B. Jakobsen received a research grant of 17.8 mill NOK in 2019 from the Clinical Treatment Research Program in Specialist Health Services – KLINBEFORSK to conduct a large multicenter register-randomized controlled trial on improving the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament tears in Norway.
  • The Norwegian Cartilage Project, led by Professor Asbjørn Årøen, was granted 15 million NOK for a multicenter project investigating the treatment of isolated cartilage injuries in the knee in adults.

The orthopedic research group at Akershus University has conducted several studies that have directly changed clinical practice in the division. Some examples are:

  • The algorithm for treating neck of femur fractures has been changed based on two large RCTs comparing screw fixation with arthroplasty. The results indicate that total hip arthroplasty yields better outcomes for displaced fractures in patients aged 55-70 years (Bartels et al., JBJS 2022 (pubmed.gov)) and that hemiarthroplasty yielded better results than screw fixation in the elderly with nondisplaced fractures of the hip (Dolatowski et al., JBJS 2019 (pubmed.gov)).
  • The division changed from predominantly surgical to predominantly conservative management of Achilles tendon ruptures following the most extensive comparative study of treatment options (Myhrvold et al., NEJM 2022 (pubmed.gov)).


Clinical intervention studies – open for inclusion

Foot and ankle 
  • Treatment of Zone Three Fractures in the Proximal Part of the Fifth Metatarsal Bone
    • A randomized controlled trial that aims to evaluate whether surgical treatment results in a faster clinical recovery for patients with zone three fractures (stress fractures) in the proximal fifth metatarsal bone both in terms of quicker rehabilitation and whether it provides a benefit for society in terms of shorter sick leave duration.
    • Local project leader: Tor Kristian M. Andresen

  • STOP Leg Clots – Swedish-international Multicenter Trial of Outpatient Prevention of Leg Clots
    • A randomized controlled international multicenter trial that aims to demonstrate that adjuvant, outpatient intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) therapy in lower-leg immobilized patients, compared to treatment-as-usual, reduces venous thromboembolism incidence and improves healing.
    • Local project leader: Tor Kristian M. Andresen

  • Amputations of the Lower Extremities: Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Assessment of Tissue Oxygenation. A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study
    • A randomized controlled trial comparing postoperative hyperbaric oxygen therapy to normal treatment for patients who have undergone amputations in the lower extremities. The trial seeks to determine whether the treatment will increase the number of patients achieving healing, reduce time to healing, decrease the need for revisions and re-amputations, and reduce the length of hospital stay.
    • Local project leader: Monica Sailer
  • Antibiotic Loaded Bone Cement in Prevention of Periprosthetic Joint Infections in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty in Norway: A Register Based Multicenter Randomized Controlled non-inferiority Trial
    • A single-blinded, non-inferiority register-based multicenter randomized controlled trial (RRCT) study that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) in reducing risk of periprosthetic joint infections following primary total knee arthroplasty.
    • Local project leader: Rune Bruhn Jakobsen

  • Improving the Treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears in Norway with register-RCTs – who should have surgery and how should we do it?
    • A registry-based randomized controlled trial aiming to gain a better understanding of which patients with anterior cruciate ligament tears should undergo early surgery and who can manage with exercise therapy alone. In addition to providing answers regarding the optimal strategy for patients with cruciate ligament injuries in a design with high external validity, the study will contribute to establishing registry-based randomized controlled trials (R-RCT) as a method, which could have significant implications for the conduct of orthopedic research in the coming years.
    • Project leader: Rune Bruhn Jakobsen
  • The Lumbar Interbody Fusion vs Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation (LIFEHAB) Trial
    • A randomized controlled trial that compares lumbar interbody fusion (LIF) with multidisciplinary rehabilitation to reduce chronic lower back pain. The trial aims to improve the treatment and the development of refined diagnostic assessments, as well as exploring potential biomarkers.
    • Project leader: Sverre Mjønes
  • A randomized Controlled Trial of Weber B/C Fibula Fractures with Associated Posterior Malleolus Fractures (PMFIX)
    • A randomized controlled multicenter trial that aims to determine the best treatment for ankle fractures with posterior malleolus fractures by comparing fixation and non-fixation of fractures in the posterior malleolus.
    • Local project leader: Charles Fatland
  • Operative Treatment versus Conservative Treatment of 2-part Proximal Humerus Fractures
    • A randomized controlled single-center trial comparing surgical and conservative treatment of misaligned 2-part fractures at the upper end of the humerus. These are fractures that are often treated surgically.
    • Project leader: Annette Wikerøy

Other ongoing clinical intervention studies – past inclusion phase

  • Plate Fixation versus Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Humerus Fractures with Medial Comminution. A prospective randomized controlled trial. (Wikerøy, Randsborg).
  • A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Clostridium Histolyticum with Needle Aponeurotomy. (Hauksson, Randsborg).
  • Better Before - Better After: Pre-habilitation program for older patients awaiting total hip replacement. A randomized controlled trial. (Nordbø, Årøen).
  • Vacuum Assisted Closure in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers - a randomized controlled trial. (Sailer, Randsborg).
  • Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament versus conservative treatment of chronic patellar instability. (Straume-Næsheim).
  • The Norwegian Cartilage Project (NCP) - a Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve the Treatment of the Injured Articular Cartilage (Årøen).
    • Microfracture Study (MFX). Focal Cartilage Defects in the Knee –A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Microfracture with Arthroscopic Debridement and Physiotherapy. 
    • Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Study (ACI). Focal Cartilage Defects in the Knee – A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation with Arthroscopic Debridement.     

Clinical Intervention Studies - planning phase

  • Vacuum Assisted Closure in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers - a randomized controlled trial. (Sailer, Randsborg).
  • The Bucket Handle study – a Randomized Controlled Trial. (Petterson, Årøen).

Observational studies

  • Complication and Revision Rates after Total Knee Replacement in Obese Patients. (Mikaelsen, Randsborg).
  • The Clinical Benefit of Total Knee Replacement in Obese Patients. (Mikaelsen, Randsborg).
  • Physical Activity and the Risk of Aseptic Loosening after Total Hip Arthroplasty. (Nordbø, Årøen).
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Knees with Concomitant Meniscal and Cartilage Injuries - Prognosis and Treatment: A Scandinavian Cohort Study with 10-Year Follow-up. (Ulstein).
  • Identifying Predictive Factors Associated with Long-term Treatment Failure and Patient Acceptable Symptom State after Acute Achilles' Tendon Ruptures: minimum five years follow-up evaluating patients randomized to nonoperative treatment, open repair, or minimally invasive surgery. (Andresen, Myhrvold).
  • Tibial Spine Avulsion Fractures in Children - Epidemiology, Treatment and Outcomes (Gundersen, Ekås).
  • Post-market Clinical Follow-up Study of the ExploR™ Radial Head System – A Retrospective Enrollment/Prospective Follow-Up Consecutive Series Study. (Ulstein).

Registry Studies

  • Physical Activity Behavior of Patients after Total Hip Arthroplasty Compared to Controls Without Hip Arthroplasty. A HUNT 3 study. (Nordbø, Årøen).
  • Postoperative Mobilization Restrictions and the Risk of Dislocation after Total Hip Arthroplasty. (Nordbø, Årøen).
  • Compensation Claims after Treatment for Achilles´ Tendon Ruptures in Norway from 2010 to 2019, and its Correlation between the Different Hospital Patient Volume. (Andresen, Randsborg).
  • Claims for Compensation after Surgery for Hallux Valgus in Norway from 2010 to 2020 - possible areas of improvement of the quality of care. (Randsborg).
  • Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Monitoring Initiative (PAMI). (Ekås).
  • The Bucket Handle Study – a Registry Study based on data from the Cruciate Ligament Registry. (Petterson, Årøen).
  • Middle Term Follow-up after Anterior versus Posterior Surgical Fusion of the Lumbosacral Spine: A national registry-based case-control observational study. (Mjønes, Randsborg).

Innovation Projects

  • A Solution to the Kneecap Problem. (Temmesfeld, Fuglesang).
  •  A Superconstruct for Osteoporotic Femur Fractures. (Fuglesang).

 Miscellaneous studies

  • In‐house 3D printing for Multidisciplinary Surgery. (Temmesfeld, Jakobsen).
  • IMPATIENT - Direct Pathogen Identification and Characterization by Ultrafast Real-Time Metagenome Sequence Analysis on Clinical Specimens - Improved Diagnostics and Treatment? (Pollmann).

Per-Henrik Randsborg

Head of Orthopedic Research Group and Professor


Academic degree

Foot & ankle

Ståle Myhrvold



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Tor Kristian M. Andresen



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Monica Sailer

Specialist Chief Consultant


Academic degree


Per-Henrik Randsborg

Professor, Consultant, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Research


Academic degree

Asbjørn Årøen

Professor and Consultant


Academic degree

Truls M. Straume-Næsheim



Academic degree

Christian Owesen



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Guri Ranum Ekås

University Lecturer


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Inge Skråmm

Head of Division of Orthopedic Surgery


Academic degree
 MD, Ph.D.

Jan Harald M. Røtterud

Specialist Chief Consultant


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Jan Rune Mikaelsen

Consultant and Head of the Department of Orthopedic Doctors


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Rune Bruhn Jakobsen

Medical Specialist, Associate Professor


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.


Stefan Bartels

Head of Hip Unit


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Christian Pollmann


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Jakob Vangen Nordbø

Medical Specialist


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. Student


Oliver Grundnes

Specialist Chief Consultant


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Ole Kristian Alhaug



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Sverre Mjønes



MD. Ph.D. student

Abdullah Cetinkaya



Academic degree


Hendrik Fuglesang

Specialist Chief Consultant


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Svend Ulstein



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Annette Wikerøy



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Axel Petterson



Academic degree

Ola-Lars Hammer

Head of Orthopedic Acute Unit


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.


Ingi Thor Hauksson

Specialist Chief Consultant


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Ståle Clementsen



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student


Max Temmesfeld

3D-lab pioneer


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student


Academic degree
MD, Ph.D.

Maren Gundersen



Academic degree
MD, Ph.D. student

Anniken Nyhus



Academic degree

Charles Fatland



Academic degree

Research support

Johanna Austeen Gjestland

Head of Section of Research support


Academic degree

Heidi A. Hanvold

Research Coordinator Norwegian Cartilage Project and Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Monitoring Initiative


Academic degree

List of grants and funding above 100 000 NOK in the last 5-year period.


Save the meniscus - The Bucket Handle Study
  • Project leader: Asbjørn Årøen
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2024
  • Funding: 500 000 NOK
Identifying predictive factors associated with long-term treatment failure and patient-acceptable symptom state after Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Project leader: Ståle Myhrvold
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2024
  • Funding: 475 116 NOK

The lumbar interbody fusion vs- multidisciplinary rehabilitation (LIFEHAB) program
  • Project leader: Per-Henrik Randsborg
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2024
  • Funding: 250 000 NOK
Tibial spine avulsion fractures in children - epidemiology, treatment and outcomes
  • Project leader: Maren Gundersen
  • Source: Sophies Minde´s research funding for 2024
  • Funding: 350 000 NOK
SPAIRE vs. direct lateral approach for hemiarthroplasty
  • Project leader: Rune B. Jakobsen
  • Source: Sophies Minde´s research funding for 2024
  • Funding: 750 000 NOK


Total Knee Replacement in Obese Patients – Risks and Benefits
  • Project leader: Per-Henrik Randsborg
  • Source: South-East Regional Health Authorities Ph.D. scholarship 2023-2028
  • Funding: 3 700 000 NOK
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions in children
  • Project leader: Guri Ekås
  • Source: Sophies Minde research funding for 2023  
  • Funding: 535 124 NOK
Identifying predictive factors associated with long-term treatment failure and patient acceptable symptom state after Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Project leader: Ståle Myhrvold
  • Source: Sophies Minde research funding for 2023  
  • Funding: 374 802 NOK
Plate fixation versus intramedullary nailing of proximal humerus fractures with medial comminution. A prospective randomized controlled trial
  • Project leader: Annette Wikerøy
  • Source: Sophies Minde research funding for 2023  
  • Funding: 278 133 NOK
Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament versus conservative treatment of recurrent patella dislocation. A Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Project leader: Truls Straume-Næsheim
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2023
  • Funding: 300 000 NOK
Fractures of the proximal humerus. Two prospective randomized controlled trials on the treatment
  • Project leader: Rune B. Jakobsen/Annette Wikerøy
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2023
  • Funding: 250 000 NOK
A solution to the kneecap fracture problem
  • Project leader: Hendrik Fuglesang
  • Source: Novo Nordic Foundation
  • Funding: 1 400 000 NOK
Tibial spine avulsion fractures in children
  • Project leader: Maren Gundersen
  • Source: Dr. Trygve Gythfeldt and Mrs. research funding 
  • Funding: 130 000 NOK


Plate fixation versus intramedullary nailing of 3 and 4 part proximal humerus fractures. A prospective randomized controlled trial
  • Project leader: Annette Wikerøy
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2022    
  • Funding: 250 000 NOK
Tibial Spine Avulsion fractures in children – Epidemiology, treatment and outcomes
  • Project leader: Guri Ekås/Maren Gundersen
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2022    
  • Funding: 500 000 NOK
Save the meniscus - The Bucket Handle Study
  • Project leader: Axel Petterson
  • Source: Sophies Minde research funding for 2022
  • Funding: 764 660 NOK
Plate fixation versus intramedullary nailing of 3 and 4 part proximal humerus fractures. A prospective randomized controlled trial  
  • Project leader: Annette Wikerøy
  • Source: Sophies Minde research funding for 2022
  • Funding: 266 900 NOK


Fractures of the proximal humerus, Two prospective randomized controlled trials on the treatment
  • Project leader: Rune B. Jakobsen/Annette Wikerøy
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2021
  • Funding: 25 000 NOK

  • Project leader: Max Temmesfeld
  • Source: Inven2
  • Funding: 100 000 NOK


Improving the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament tears in Norway with register-RCTs – who should have surgery and how should we do it?
  • Project leader: Rune B. Jakobsen
  • Source: Clinical Treatment Research Program in Specialist Health Services - KLINBEFORSK
  • Funding: 17 800 000 NOK
Evaluation and treatment of acute and chronic cartilage lesions of the knee
  • Project leader: Asbjørn Årøen/Stian Kjennvold
  • Source: South-East Regional Health Authorities Ph.D. scholarship 2020-2024
  • Funding: 3 378 000 NOK
Treatment results after Acute Achilles Tendon rupture: A randomized controlled trial comparing conservative treatment with open and minimally invasive surgery
  • Project leader: Ståle Myhrvold
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2020
  • Funding: 500 000 NOK

Classification and management of acute and chronic focal cartilage lesions of the knee
  • Project leader: Asbjørn Årøen/Stian Kjennvold
  • Source: Akershus University Hospital research funding for 2020
  • Funding: 500 000 NOK

Supervising activity

Per-Henrik Randsborg 
  • Principal supervisor for Ingi Thor Hauksson, Ståle Clementsen, Annette Wikerøy and Jan Rune Mikaelsen.
  • Co-supervisor for Stian Kjennvold and Max Temmesfeld.
Asbjørn Årøen
  • Principal supervisor for Jakob V. Nordbø, Stian Kjennvold, and Axel Petterson.
  • Co-supervisor for Ingi Thor Hauksson and Ståle Clementsen. 
Guri Ekås
  • Principal supervisor for Maren Gundersen and med.stud Mohammad Imad Ad-Din Mustapha.
  • Co-supervisor for Caroline Kooy Tveiten.
Hendrik Fuglesang
  • Co-supervisor for Annette Wikerøy and Max Temmesfeld.
Jan Harald Røtterud
  • Co-supervisor for Jan Rune Mikaelsen and Maren Gundersen.
Rune Bruhn Jakobsen
  • Principal supervisor for Max J. Temmesfeld and Caroline Kooy Tveiten.
  • Co-supervisor for Stian Kjennvold, Ståle Clementsen, Jan Rune Mikaelsen and Annette Wikerøy.
Ståle Myhrvold
  • Principal supervisor for Tor Kristian M. Andresen.
Svend Ulstein
  • Co-supervisor for Tor Kristian M. Andresen and med.stud. Diko Jevremovik.
Stein-Erik Utvåg
  • Principal supervisor for Stefan Bartels.
Truls Straume-Næsheim 
  • Co-supervisor for Jakob V. Nordbø and Axel Petterson.

Peer-review assignments

Per-Henrik Randsborg
  • Reviewer for Acta Ortopedica, Cartilage, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, British Medical Journal SIT, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery case connector and Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery reviews.
  • Associate Editor for The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Open Access. 
  • Web-editor for Orthopedics, Store Norske Leksikon.
  • Editorial committee, Tidsskriftet, Den Norske Legeforeningen.
Asbjørn Årøen
  • Reviewer for Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Journal of Sports Medicine, BMC - Musculoskeletal Disorders and Cartilage.
  • Associate Editor for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders and BMC Pilot & Feasibility Studies.
Christian Pollmann
  • Reviewer for BMC Musculoskeletal, European Geriatric Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine and Scientific Report.
Guri Ekås
  • Reviewer for Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Inge Skråmm
  • Reviewer for Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy.
Jakob V. Nordbø
  • Reviewer for Tidsskriftet, Den Norske Legeforeningen.
  • Co-editor for Felles nettløsning for spesialisthelsetjenesten (FNSP).
Jan Harald Røtterud
  • Reviewer for Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and American Journal of Sports Medicine and The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine.
  • Editorial Board Member for The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine.
Svend Ulstein
  • Reviewer for British Medical Journal and British Medical Journal Open.
Truls Straume-Næsheim
  • Reviewer for The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, and BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 


  • The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE) 
  • Norwegian Arthroplasty Register 
  • Norwegian Knee Ligament Register 
  • The Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery (NORspine)
  • Norwegian Hip Fracture Register
  • Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC)  
  • STAR group, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen  
  • Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • Haukeland University Hospital
  • Stavanger University Hospital
  • St. Olavs University Hospital
  • University Hospital of North-Norway
  • Arendal Hospital
  • Bærum Hospital
  • Diakonhjemmet Hospital
  • Drammen Hospital
  • Elverum Hospital
  • Gjøvik Hospital
  • Kristiansund Hospital
  • The Coastal Hospital at Hagevik
  • Levanger Hospital
  • Lillehammer Hospital
  • Martina Hansens Hospital
  • Skien Hospital
  • Ålesund Hospital


  • United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 
  • Weill Cornell University, New York 
  • Hospital for Special Surgery, New York 
  • OrthoSport Victoria, Richmond, Australia  
  • Heartland Orthopedics, Virginia, USA  
  • Skåne University Hospital, Sweden
  • Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark

The Department of Research in the Division of Orthopedic Surgery holds one full-time position as head of research, two full-time jobs for research support staff and two part-time research positions. Other temporary research positions are financed by external or Ahus strategic research funding.

Research support is offered both locally in the division and from the Division of Research and Innovation at Ahus. In addition, there is a regional research support offer for the entire South-Eastern Norway Health Region at Oslo University Hospital.  

The department offers:

  • Advice and guidance in protocol development, budgeting, and in applications for funding.
  • Necessary training for new researchers.
  • Guidance in the application to the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK), completion of e-forms, and interacts with the Data Protection Officer at Ahus.
  • Monitoring of the finances of research projects, assists with buyout agreements, procurement, contracts, and other matters.
  • An ongoing overview of research projects in the department, ensures internal control of necessary approvals, documentation, and data storage methods, and conducts annual follow-ups of research projects in the clinic.
  • Monitoring in clinical trials where required.

Doctoral degrees at the Division of Orthopedic Surgery, Ahus from 2012 until today are:

  • Ole Kristian Alhaug (2023). Lumbal spinal stenose – predictors of unsuccessful outcome. 
  • Ståle Bergman Myhrvold (2022). Outcomes, physical performance, and complications following treatment of acute Achilles´ tendon ruptures. Principal supervisor Sigurd Erik Hoelsbrekken.
  • Christian Pollmann (2022). Improving outcomes in hip fracture patients. Principal supervisor Asbjørn Årøen.
  • Ola-Lars Hammer (2022). Surgical treatment of distal radius fractures - Clinical Outcome and Health Economics. Principal supervisor Per-Henrik Randsborg.
  • Tommy Frøseth Aae (2021). Surgical aspects and microRNA in knee cartilage pathology. Co-supervisor Asbjørn Årøen and Per-Henrik Randsborg.
  • Hendrik Fuglesang (2019). Functional Outcome after Conservative and Operative Treatment of Midshaft Clavicle Fractures. Principal supervisor Stein-Erik Utvåg.
  • Filip Dolatowski (2019). Outcomes and complications of nondisplaced femoral neck fracture treated by screw fixation or hip hemiarthroplasty in elderly patients. Principal supervisor Stein-Erik Utvåg.
  • Svend Ulstein (2019). Prognosis and treatment of focal cartilage lesions of the knee joint. Medium to long-term results. Principal supervisor Jan Harald Røtterud.
  • Christian Owesen (2017). Symptoms, Diagnosis and Outcomes in PCL Injuries. Principal supervisor Asbjørn Årøen.
  • Cathrine Nørstad Engen (2017). Knee cartilage surgery: epidemiology, research methods and a proposal for improved surveillance. Principal supervisor Lars Engebretsen.
  • Aron Adelved (2015). Long-term Functional and Radiological Outcome after Displaced Sacral Fractures. Principal supervisor Olav Røise.
  • Jan Harald M. Røtterud (2015). Focal cartilage lesions in anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees – Incidence, risk, prognosis and treatment. Principal supervisor Asbjørn Årøen.
  • Inge Skråmm (2013). Infections after Orthopedic Surgery. Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus and efficacy of surveillance. Principal supervisor Geir Bukholm.
  • Per-Henrik Randsborg (2012). Fractures in Children; Aspects on health service, epidemiology and risk factors. Principal supervisor Asbjørn Årøen.

Annual Report


Last updated 2/1/2024