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Research Groups Surgical Division

The Surgical Division encompasses research within the fields of Anesthesia, Pain, and Intensive Care Medicine, Breast-Endocrine Surgery, Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT), Gastroenterological Surgery, Palliative Care Unit, Pelvic Center, Quality and Patient Safety, Urology and Oncosurgery. The Surgical Research Department coordinates the research activities within the division and supports the clinical departments in their research endeavors.

Research Groups

The Anesthesiology Research Group generates new knowledge about the body's function in normal situations, during anesthesia and surgery, and in critical illness. We assess the effects of advanced medical-technical equipment such as ventilators and surgical robots, develop and ensure the quality of pain management and intensive care measures, and explore how cognitive function is impacted by illness, surgery, and medications.

The field of anesthesiology comprises anesthesia, intensive care, critical emergency medicine, and pain medicine, conducted by anesthesiologists and specialized nurses. Our tasks include treating acute and chronic pain, anesthesia, nerve blocks, airway management, mechanical ventilation, diagnosis and treatment of patients with different organ failures. The research profile of the department is similarly broad and interdisciplinary. Our methods range from molecular techniques and animal experiments to practical patient-centered research, randomized clinical studies, and statistical analysis of large patient data sets.

Patient-near clinical research at Ahus.

To increase patient-near clinical research at Ahus.

Head of Reasearch Group

Signe Søvik, MD PhD

Senior consultant, Professor II, Group Leader
Respiratory and Circulatory Physiology and Biostatistical Modeling
Reserach profile (orcid.org)

Tom Giedsing Hansen, MD PhD

Senior consultant, Professor II
Field of expertise: Pediatric Anesthesiology, Neurotoxicity, Pharmacological Effects of Anesthetic Agents, System Improvement in Anesthesia Education
Research profile (orcid.org)

Agata Sandmo, MD

Anesthesiology Resident (LIS) and University Lecturer at UiO
Respiratory and Circulatory Control in Massive Bleeding – Temperature Influence

William James Morton, MD

Senior consultant, and PhD Candidate
Pediatric Anesthesiology, Pharmacodynamic Studies, and Postoperative Pain.

Janus Adler Hyldebrandt, MD PhD

Senior consultant and Postdoctoral Fellow
Cardiac and Circulatory Physiology, Cerebral Circulatory Regulation
Research profile (orcid.org)

Maria Skytioti, MD PhD

Anesthesiology Resident (LIS) and Postdoctoral Fellow
Cerebral Circulatory Regulation
Research profile (cristin.no)

Sjur Hansen Tveit, MD PhD

Anesthesiology Resident (LIS) and Postdoctoral Fellow
Cardiac Physiology and Cerebral Circulatory Physiology
Research profile (orcid.org) 

Lill Anette Øyen, MD

Anesthesiology Resident (LIS), certified psychiatrist, and Project Coordinator
Neurocognitive Testing

Fredrik Hoff Nordum, MD

Anesthesiology Resident (LIS) and PhD Candidate
Cerebral Circulatory Regulation

Ane-Victoria Idland, MD PhD

Anesthesiology Resident (LIS), Project Coordinator and PhD supervisor
Cerebral Biomarkers
Research profile (cristin.no)

Felix Haidl, MD PhD

Senior consultant and Researcher
Pain Management for Women in Labor
Research profile (orcid.org)

Jørgen Dahlberg, MD

Senior consultant and PhD Candidate
Clinical Competence in Critically Ill Patients' Consent
Research profile (cristin.no)

Gunhild Øverland, MD PhD

Senior consultant, PhD supervisor
Biomarkers in Sepsis, Acute Medical Teams

Astrid Marie Berg, Bachelor of Nursing, with Master degree

Intensive Care Nurse and PhD Candidate
Acute Medical Teams, Medical Communication

Vladimir Brüggeman, MD PhD

Senior consultant and Postdoctoral Fellow
Medication Effects on Survival after Cardiac Arrest
Research profile (cristin.no)

Hanne Helene Johnsen, MD

Senior consultant and Local Project Leader for the Carbetocin Study

Per Martin Bådstøløkken, MD

Senior consultant
Intensive Care Medicine, Acute Respiratory Failure, ARDS

Maurizio Severino, MD

Senior consultant
Chronic Complex Pain Conditions

  • Department of Anesthesiology, Oslo University Hospital, section Ullevål and section Rikshospitalet
  • Circulatory Control Research Group (CIRCON), Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo
  • Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo
  • Professor/ anesthesiologist
  • Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Trondheim
  • University Hospital of Northern Norway, Tromsø
  • Department of Anesthesiology, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital
  • Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
  • Department of Infectious Diseases, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Ear-Nose-Throat Department, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Women's Clinic, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Orthopedic Clinic, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Center for Medical Simulation – SimAhus (Ahus)
  • Zurich Childrens Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Gaslini Childrens Hospital, Genova, Italy
  • Sheffield’s Children's Hospital, Sheffield, UK
  • McGill’s Children's Hospital, Montreal, Canada
  • Geneva Children’s Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark

  • TILT-DOWN: Cerebral circulation and neurocognitive impact during laparoscopic robot surgery for prostate cancer.
    • PhD Project Leader: Signe Søvik, Senior consultant, MD PhD, Professor at UiO.
    • Main Supervisor: Janus Adler Hyldebrandt, Senior consultant, MD PhD, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet.
  • Epidural pain relief during childbirth: Medication composition and dosage regimen.
    • Project Leader: Felix Haidl, Senior consultant, MD PhD.
  • Effect of morphine and ketamine on survival and neurocognition after in-hospital cardiac arrest.
    • Project Leader: Vladimir Brüggeman, Senior consultant, MD PhD.
  • Nerve blockage in fractura colli femoris – ultrasound-guided or blind technique.
    • Project Leader: Silje Solberg Dahlen, Anesthesia Nurse, Master's degree.
  • Carbetocin Myocardial Trial: A multicenter study about the myocardial effects of medications administered during cesarean sections. Originates from Oslo University Hospital.
    • Local Project Leader: Hanne Helen Johnsen, Senior consultant.

  • Cardiorespiratory compensation during massive bleeding – effects of low and very high ambient temperatures.
    • PhD Project Leader: Signe Søvik, Senior consultant/Professor II at UiO.

  • RescueDoppler: A feasibility study to evaluate a new Doppler method for monitoring blood flow in the carotid artery in subjects suffering from sudden cardiac arrest.

  • Scandinavian multicenter study originating from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. Led by Charlotte Björk Ingul
    • Local Project Leader: Sjur Hansen Tveit, MD PhD.

  • The CAPTAIN study: A multicenter observational and exploratory study on community-acquired pneumonia and trauma-induced ARDS.
    • Regional multicenter study in Health South-East, originating from Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet.
    • Local Project Leader: Signe Søvik, Senior consultant, MD PhD, Professor II at UiO.

  • SkrInt: Prevalence and Long Term Effects of Frailty in Elderly Intensive Care Patients.
    • National multicenter study originating from the University of Tromsø.
    • Local Project Leader: Ole Kristian Fossum, Senior consultant.

  • proACT, NEWS, and MiG – significance of team communication for patient.
    • PhD Project: Astrid Marie Berg, Intensive Care Nurse. Collaboration with OsloMet.

  • Consent capacity in critically ill patients – medical ethics.
    • PhD Project: Jørgen Dahlberg, Jurist & Senior consultant.

All publications

  1. Agger P, Hyldebrandt JA, Hansen ESS, Omann C, Bøgh N, Waziri F, et al. Magnetic resonance hyperpolarization imaging detects early myocardial dysfunction in a porcine model of right ventricular heart failure. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging. 2020;21(1):93-101.
  2. Al-Kazwini HSH, Sandven I, Dahl V, Rosseland LA. Prolonging the duration of single-shot intrathecal labour analgesia with morphine: A systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. 2016;13:36-42.
  3. Berdal JE, Haagensen RE, Ranheim TE, Bjørnholt J. Nosocomial candidemia; risk factors and prognosis revisited; 11 years experience from a Norwegian secondary hospital. PLOS ONE. 2014;9(7):6.
  4. Bilben B, Grandal L, Søvik S. National Early Warning Score (NEWS) as an emergency department predictor of disease severity and 90-day survival in the acutely dyspneic patient - a prospective observational study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2016;24:80:1-8.
  5. Brogly N, Varvinskiy A, Varosyan A, Ateleanu B, Engelhardt W, Geldner G, et al. On-Line Assessment (OLA) as a preparation for the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC), a retrospective observational study on the results and the potential impact on the Part-I examination. Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion. 2021:0.
  6. Dahlberg J, Dahl V, Førde R, Pedersen R. Lack of informed consent for surgical procedures by elderly patients with inability to consent: a retrospective chart review from an academic medical center in Norway. Patient Safety in Surgery. 2019;13(24):6.
  7. Dahlberg J, Eriksen C, Robertsen A, Beitland S. Barriers and challenges in the process of including critically ill patients in clinical studies. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2020;28(1):51.
  8. Dahlberg J, Øverstad S, Dahl V, Coman A. Autonomy and consent assessment for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). A retrospective study of medical records. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2021;77:6.
  9. Dybvik L, Skraastad EJ, Yeltayeva A, Konkayev A, Musaeva T, Zabolotskikh I, et al. Influence of a New “Call-Out Algorithm” for Management of Postoperative Pain and Its Side Effects on Length of Stay in Hospital: A Two-Centre Prospective Randomized Trial. Pain Research and Management. 2017:11.
  10. Fattah S, Johnsen AS, Andersen JE, Vigerust T, Olsen T, Rehn M. Rapid extrication of entrapped victims in motor vehicle wreckage using a Norwegian chain method - cross-sectional and feasibility study. BMC Emergency Medicine. 2014;14(1).
  11. Fattah S, Krüger AJ, Andersen JE, vigerust t, Rehn M. Major incident preparedness and on-site work among Norwegian rescue personnel - a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012;5(1):40.
  12. Fattah S, Rehn M, Lockey D, Thompson J, Lossius HM, Wisborg T. A consensus based template for reporting of pre-hospital major incident medical management. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2014;22:5:6.
  13. Fattah S, Rehn M, Reierth E, Wisborg T. Systematic literature review of templates for reporting prehospital major incident medical management. BMJ Open. 2013;3(8):1-8.
  14. Flinterud SI, Moi AL, Gjengedal E, Grenager LN, Muri A-K, Ellingsen S. The creation of meaning : intensive care nurses’ experiences of conducting nurse-led follow-up on intensive care units. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing. 2019;53(August):30-6.
  15. Gjessing K, Steindal SA, Kvande ME. Collaboration between nurses and doctors in the decision-making process when considering ending the life-prolonging treatment of intensive care patients. Nursing Open. 2022:10.
  16. Haidl F, Tronstad C, Rosseland LA, Dahl V. Maternal haemodynamics during labour epidural analgesia with and without adrenaline. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. 2021;21(4):680-7.
  17. Haidl FF, Rosseland LA, Rørvik A-M, Dahl V. Programmed intermittent boluses vs continuous epidural infusion in labor using an adrenaline containing solution: A randomized trial. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2020;64(10):1505-12.
  18. Haidl FF, Rosseland LA, Spigset O, Dahl V. Effects of Adrenaline on maternal and fetal fentanyl absorption in epidural analgesia: a randomized trial. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2018;62(9):1267-73.
  19. Hoel H, Skjaker SA, Haagensen RE, Stavem K. Decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment in a Norwegian intensive care unit. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2014;58(3):329-36.
  20. Holtan-Hartwig I, Johnsen LR, Dahl V, Haidl FF. Preoperative Gastric Ultrasound in Surgical Patients who Undergo Rapid Sequence Induction Intubation. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care. 2021;38:30-5.
  21. Hui D, Søvik S. Postoperative pain course after paediatric tonsillectomy: A prospective observational study comparing one behavioural and one numerical pain assessment tool. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2020;138:6.
  22. Hyldebrandt JA, Bøgh N, Omann C, Agger P. Norepinephrine and dobutamine improve cardiac index equally by supporting opposite sides of the heart in an experimental model of chronic pulmonary hypertension. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental. 2021;9(1).
  23. Jerpseth H, Dahl V, Nortvedt P, Halvorsen K. Considerations and values in decision making regarding mechanical ventilation for older patients with severe to very severe COPD. Clinical Ethics. 2016;11(4):140-8.
  24. Jerpseth H, Dahl V, Nortvedt P, Halvorsen K. Nurses' role and care practices in decision-making regarding artificial ventilation in late stage pulmonary disease. Nursing Ethics. 2017;24(7):821-32.
  25. Jerpseth H, Dahl V, Nortvedt P, Halvorsen K. Older patients with late-stage COPD: their illness experiences and involvement in decision-making regarding mechanical ventilation and noninvasive ventilation. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). 2018;27(3-4):582-92.
  26. Johannessen A-KM, Barra GMH, Vullum S, Werner A. Nursing students’ evaluation of clinical learning environment and supervision in a Norwegian hospital placement – A questionnaire survey using CLES+T scale. Nurse Education in Practice. 2021;54:8.
  27. Johnsen AS, Fattah S, Sollid S, Rehn M. Impact of helicopter emergency medical services in major incidents: systematic literature review. BMJ Open. 2013;3:4.
  28. Jones JM, Skaga NO, Søvik S, Lossius HM, Eken T. Norwegian survival prediction model in trauma: Modelling effects of anatomic injury, acute physiology, age, and co-morbidity. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2014;58(3):303-15.
  29. Jørgensen S, Bojer MS, Boll EJ, Martin YK, Helmersen K, Skogstad M, Struve C. Heat-resistant, extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in endoscope-mediated outbreak. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2016;93(1):57-62.
  30. Kaspersen ER, Ræder J, Dahl V. Retningslinjer for behandling av sepsis. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. 2018;138(4):352-6.
  31. Krag M, Marker S, Perner A, Wetterslev J, Wise MP, Schefold JC, et al. Pantoprazole in patients at risk for gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU. New England Journal of Medicine. 2018;379(23):2199-208.
  32. Kristensen P, Kristiansen T, Rehn M, Gravseth HMU, Bjerkedal T. Social inequalities in road traffic deaths at age 16-20 years among all 611 654 Norwegians born between 1967 and 1976: a multilevel analysis. Injury Prevention. 2012;18(1):3-9.
  33. Kuhn JC, Hauge TH, Rosseland LA, Dahl V, Langesæter E. Hemodynamics of phenylephrine infusion versus lower extremity compression during spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2016;122(4):1120-9.
  34. Kuklin V, Akhatov N, Kondratyev T, Konkaev A, Baigenzhin AK, Konkaeva M, et al. The influences of morphine or ketamine pre-treatment on hemodynamic, acid-base status, biochemical markers of brain damage and early survival in rats after asphyxial cardiac arrest. BMC Anesthesiology. 2019;19:214:1-9.
  35. Kuklin V, Matri JL, Barlow N, Tveit SH, Kvernberg JE, RINGVOLD E-M, Dahl V. Current trends in management of hyperglycaemia in surgical patients with diabetes mellitus: a review. Annals of Critical Care. 2021;3:33-47.
  36. Lenz H, Norby G, Dahl V, Ranheim TE, Haagensen RE. Five-year mortality in patients treated for severe community-acquired pneumonia ? a retrospective study. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2017;61(4):418-26.
  37. Leonardsen A-CL, Lunde EM, Smith ST, Olsen GL. Patient experiences with peripherally inserted venous catheters— A cross-sectional, multicentre study in Norway. Nursing Open. 2020;7(3):760-7.
  38. LUNDELAND B, Gundersen Y, Opstad PK, Thrane I, Zhang Y, Olaussen RW, Vaagenes P. One week of multifactorial high-stress military ranger training affects Gram-negative signalling. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 2012;72(7):547-54.
  39. LUNDELAND B, Østerholt HD, Gundersen Y, Opstad PK, Thrane I, Zhang Y, et al. Moderate temperature alterations affect Gram-negative immune signalling in ex vivo whole blood. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 2012;72(3):246-52.
  40. Lyngfoss S, Hauge S. Omsorg – handling eller føleri? En kritisk analyse av Kari Martinsens omsorgsteori. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning. 2014;4(3):213-26.
  41. Laake JH, Buanes EA, Småstuen MC, Kvåle R, Olsen BF, Rustøen T, et al. Characteristics, management and survival of ICU patients with coronavirus disease-19 in Norway, March-June 2020. A prospective observational study. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2021;65(5):618-28.
  42. Morland M, Haagensen RE, Dahl FA, Berdal JE. Epidemiologi og prognoser i en medisinsk overvåkningsavdeling. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. 2018;138(8):734-9.
  43. Morton WJ. Feasibility of effectiveness trials in pediatric anesthesia. Pediatric Anaesthesia. 2021;31(4):390-6.
  44. Myhre PL, Prebensen C, Strand H, Røysland R, Jonassen CM, Rangberg A, et al. Growth Differentiation Factor-15 Provides Prognostic Information Superior to Established Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Unselected Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19. Circulation. 2020.
  45. Omland T, Prebensen C, Røysland R, Søvik S, Sørensen V, Røsjø H, et al. Established Cardiovascular Biomarkers Provide Limited Prognostic Information in Unselected Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19. Circulation. 2020;19:1878-80.
  46. Rehn M, Lossius HM, Tjosevik KE, Vetrhus M, Østebø O, Eken T. Efficacy of a two-tiered trauma team activation protocol in a Norwegian trauma centre. British Journal of Surgery. 2012;99(2):199-208.
  47. Ringdal KG, Skaga NO, Hestnes M, Steen PA, Røislien J, Rehn M, et al. Abbreviated Injury Scale: Not a reliable basis for summation of injury severity in trauma facilities? Injury. 2013;44(5):691-9.
  48. Rydenfelt K, Engerström L, Walther SM, Sjöberg F, Strömberg UA, Samuelsson C. In-hospital vs. 30-day mortality in the critically ill - A 2-year Swedish intensive care cohort analysis. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2015;59(7):846-58.
  49. Røislien J, Søvik S, Eken T. Seasonality in trauma admissions - Are daylight and weather variables better predictors than general cyclic effects? PLOS ONE. 2018;13(2).
  50. Shafique M, Yaqub S, Lie ES, Dahl V, Olsbø FA, Røkke O. New and Safe Treatment of Food Impacted in the Esophagus: A Single Center Experience of 100 Consecutive Cases. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2013:4.
  51. Skaga NO, Eken T, Søvik S. Validating performance of TRISS, TARN and NORMIT survival prediction models in a Norwegian trauma population. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2018;62(2):253-66.
  52. Skjaker SA, Hoel H, Dahl V, Stavem K. Factors associated with life-sustaining treatment restriction in a general intensive care unit. PLOS ONE. 2017;12:e0181312(7):1-11.
  53. Skraastad EJ, Ræder J, Dahl V, Bjertnaes LJ, Kuklin V. Development and validation of the Efficacy Safety Score (ESS), a novel tool for postoperative patient management. BMC Anesthesiology. 2017;17(1):10.
  54. Skytioti M, Elstad M, Søvik S. Internal Carotid Artery Blood Flow Response to Anesthesia, Pneumoperitoneum, and Head-up Tilt during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Anesthesiology. 2019;131:512-20.
  55. Skytioti M, Søvik S, Elstad M. Internal carotid artery blood flow in healthy awake subjects is reduced by simulated hypovolemia and noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Physiological Reports. 2016;4(19).
  56. Skytioti M, Søvik S, Elstad M. Respiration-related cerebral blood flow variability increases during control-mode non-invasive ventilation in normovolemia and hypovolemia. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2017;117(11):2237-49.
  57. Skytioti M, Søvik S, Elstad M. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation is preserved during isometric handgrip and head-down tilt in healthy volunteers. Physiological Reports. 2018;6(6).
  58. Skytioti M, Søvik S, Elstad M. Respiratory pump maintains cardiac stroke volume during hypovolemia in young, healthy volunteers. Journal of applied physiology. 2018;124(5):1319-25.
  59. Staff T, Eken T, Hansen TB, Steen PA, Søvik S. A field evaluation of real-life motor vehicle accidents: Presence of unrestrained objects and their association with distribution and severity of patient injuries. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2012;45:529-38.
  60. Staff T, Eken T, Wik L, Røislien J, Søvik S. Physiologic, demographic and mechanistic factors predicting New Injury Severity Score (NISS) in motor vehicle accident victims. Injury. 2014;45(1):9-15.
  61. Stavem K, Hoel H, Skjaker SA, Haagensen RE. Charlson comorbidity index derived from chart review or administrative data: Agreement and prediction of mortality in intensive care patients. Clinical Epidemiology. 2017;9:311-20.
  62. Søvik S, Barratt-Due A, Kåsine T, Olasveengen TM, Strand MW, Tveita AA, et al. Corticosteroids and superinfections in COVID-19 patients on invasive mechanical ventilation. Journal of Infection. 2022;85(1):57-63.
  63. Søvik S, Bådstøløkken PM, Sørensen V, Myhre PL, Prebensen C, Omland T, Berdal JE. A single‐centre, prospective cohort study of COVID‐19 patients admitted to ICU for mechanical ventilatory support. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2020.
  64. Søvik S, Isachsen MS, Nordhuus KMB, Tveiten CK, Eken T, Sunde K, et al. Acute kidney injury in trauma patients admitted to the ICU: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive Care Medicine. 2019;45(4):407-19.
  65. Søvik S, Skaga NO, Hanoa ROH, Eken T. Sudden survival improvement in critical neurotrauma: An exploratory analysis using a stratified statistical process control technique. Injury. 2014;45(11):1722-30.
  66. Tran TT, Kristiansen CH, Thomas OMT, Roy SK, Haidl FF, Ashraf H, et al. Indirect CT venography of the lower extremities: impact of scan delay and patient factors on contrast enhancement and examination quality. European Radiology. 2022;32(11):7946-55.
  67. Vestergaard LD, Løfgren B, Jessen CL, Petersen CB, Wolff A, Nielsen HV, Krarup NHV. A comparison of pediatric basic life support self-led and instructor-led training among nurses. European journal of emergency medicine. 2017;24(1):60-6.
  68. Watne LO, Pollmann CT, Neerland BE, Paulsen EQ, Halaas NB, Idland A-V, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid quinolinic acid is strongly associated with delirium and mortality in hip-fracture patients. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022;133(2):10.
  69. Wikjord KS, Dahl V, Søvik S. Effects on nutritional care practice after implementation of a flow chart-based nutrition support protocol in an intensive care unit. Nursing Open. 2017:10.
  70. Yaqub S, Shafique M, Kjæstad E, Thorsen Y, Lie ES, Dahl V, et al. A safe treatment option for esophageal bezoars. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (IJSCR). 2012;3(8):366-7.
  71. Zhang C, Eken T, Jørgensen SB, Thoresen M, Søvik S. Effects of patient-level risk factors, departmental allocation and seasonality on intrahospital patient transfer patterns: network analysis applied on a Norwegian single-centre data set. BMJ Open. 2022;12(3):12.
  72. Østerholt HD, LUNDELAND B, Sonerud T, Saugstad OD, Nakstad B. The impact of hyaluronan on monocyte Toll-like receptor expression in term infant cord blood. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):706-13.

The department’s research goal is to create new knowledge that have an impact on  understanding underlying mechanisms in vascular- and thoracic diseases, and for the treatment of such diseases in our vascular- and thoracic patients. Our thoracic patients are mainly patients operated for lung cancer with robotic lung surgery.

Patient-near clinical research at Ahus, as well as development of- and participation in multicenter studies, national and international.

To increase patient-near clinical research at Ahus and improve treatment with regard to safety, patient outcome and life expectancy, as well as patient reported outcomes.

Jarlis Wesche

Associated professor II and Research Leader
Email: jarlis.wesche@ahus.no | jarlis.wesche@medisin.uio.no

Jarlis Wesche

Academic degree: MD Dr.med
Position: Senior consultant, Ass.professor, Research Leader
Field of expertise: Vascular Surgery and Circulatory Physiology
Email: jarlis.wesche@ahus.no 
Cristin-person-ID: 16261


Inger Helene Nådland

Academic degree: MSc PhD
Position: Researcher/ research coordinator
Field of expertise: Circulatory Physiology and microcirculation
Email: inad@ahus.no
Cristin-person-ID: 16894


Ai Van Thuy Ho

Academic degree: MD
Position: MD, PhD Candidate
Field of expertise: Hyperhidrosis

Nina Maksimovic

Academic degree: MD
Position: Surgery Resident, PhD Student
Field of expertise: Robotic Lung Surgery
Cristin-person-ID: 1432219

Rune Eggum

Academic degree: MD
Position: MD, Senior Consultant, Vascular and Thoracic Surgeon
Field of expertise: Vascular and Thoracic Surgery. Robotic Lung Surgery

Henrik Aamodt

Academic degree: MD
Position: MD, Senior Consultant, Thoracic Surgeon
Field of expertise: Thoracic and Vascular Surgery. Robotic Lung Surgery

Frode Reier-Nilsen

Academic degree: MD
Position: MD, Senior Consultant, Vascular Surgeon
Field of expertise: Vascular and Thoracic Surgery. Robotic Lung Surgery
Cristin-person-ID: 761542

Synnøve Seljeskog

Academic Degree: MD
Position: MD, Senior Consultant, Vascular Surgeon
Field of expertise: Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Carotid Surgery.
Cristin-person-ID: 928474

Anne Rigmor Holten

Position: Research Nurse and Clinical Vascular Nurse

  • Department of Lung Diseases, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Department of Clinical Radiology, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Department of Neurology, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Clinic of Orthopedics, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • 3D lab, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Ear-Nose-Throat Department, Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Health Services Research (HØKH), Akershus University Hospital (Ahus)
  • Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo
  • Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo
  • The University Hospital of Northern Norway, Tromsø
  • Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Trondheim
  • Department of Vascular Surgery, Haukeland University Hospital, University of Bergen
  • Medical Department , Section of Endocrinology, Haukeland University Hospital, and Clinical Inst. 2, University of Bergen
  • Department of Vascular Surgery, Stavanger University Hospital
  • Department of Vascular Surgery, University of Oslo
  • Department of Vascular Surgery, Oestfold Central Hospital, Kalnes
  • Department of Vascular Surgery, Vestfold Central Hospital, Tønsberg
  • Department of Thoracic Surgery, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet.
  • European Lung Cancer Segmentectomy Study (LARCS) study team group (France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom).

5 pluss exercise in patients with intermittent claudication

  • A Scandinavian prospective randomized multicenter-center clinical trial, to investigate whether home-based calf raise exercise (five pluss training) improves walking performance in patients with intermittent claudication more than ordinary home-based walking exercise regimens. The study is based on the results of a recent study (at St Olavs University Hospital), which have shown that calf raise exercise improves walking performance and increases mitochondrial volume-density in the gastrocnemius muscle without increasing blood flow in patients with intermittens claudication.
    • Local project leader: Jon-Tryggve Ask-Nessa, Resident vascular surgery, MD


  • Industry initiated European prospective multicentre study on outcome after robotic lung cancer segmentectomy.
    • Local projectleader: Rune Eggum, Senior Consultant, MD.  


  • Abdominal aortic aneurisms (AAA) and diabetes. A national prospective multicenter study on  outcome after open and endovascular treatment for AAA in patients with prediabetes, known and unknown diabetes and those without.
  • Principal Investigator: Jarlis Wesche, Senior consultant, MD Dr. Med., Ass. Professor at UiO. The study was initiated by the Norwegian Society for Vascular Surgery, and was planned and started at Haukeland University Hospital. Jarlis Wesche took over as principal investigator shortly after the start of inclusion of patients.
  • Local project leader: Mads Helgeland senior consultant, MD.
  • Inger Helene Nådland, research coordinator, Msc, PhD (from 1.12.22)

Robot assisted lung cancer surgery (RATS) (PhD project)

  • "Learning curve study"-A retrospective study on various aspects of introduction of a new minimally invasive surgery method of robot assisted thoracic surgery (RATS) in treating lung cancer (learning curve study). The study compares robotic (RATS) and video-assisted lung cancer surgery (VATS) procedures, using data from patients operated for lung cancer at Ahus. Surgical resection remains as the gold standard procedure for curative treatment of early-stage non-small celled lung cancer, which was the second most diagnosed malignancy  in the world, as well as the cancer diagnosis that accounted for the highest number of deaths.
  • Project Leader: Kirill Neumann, MD PhD, Department of Lung Diseases, Ahus

Outcome after lung cancer surgery

  • A retrospective study on outcome after lung cancer surgery at Ahus, comparing robotic (RATS) and video-assisted lung cancer surgery (VATS) procedures, as well as open surgery. Data from The Norwegian Cancer registry will also be used to do a retrospective comparison between RATS, VATS and open thoracotomy for lung cancer, to assess whether there are differences in outcomes between the groups, and if there is a higher grade of lymph node dissection in RATS and what impact this may have on patient outcomes.
  • Project Leader: Kirill Neumann, MD PhD, Department of Lung Diseases, Ahus.

Patientreported outcomes (PROMS) in patients with lower limb peripheral arterial disease

  • VascuQoL-6 (VQ-6) is a disease-specific quality of life (QoL) instrument validated for use in clinical practice and vascular registries before and after treatment for peripheral arterial disease (PAD). We have translated and validated the VascuQoL-6 (VQ-6) for clinical use in Norwegian patients, and this form is now implemented as a PROMS tool in the Norwegian Vascular Registry.
  • Project Leader: Jarlis Wesche, Senior consultant, MD Dr.Med., Ass. Professor at UiO

Hyperhidrosis (PhD project)

  • Single centre study to investigate steady state levels, dynamics and recurrence rate of electrodermal activity (EDA) in hyperhidrosis patients before and after sympathectomy and relate these outcomes to healthy subjects. The inclusion of patients is finished and final resultas are being published.
  • Project Leader: Jarlis Wesche, Senior consultant, MD Dr.med., Ass. Professor at UiO

The use of AI in development of automatic soft tissue 3D segmentation (Early phase)

  • To study and develop AI in automatic soft tissue 3D segmentation and  its impact of outcome after robotic lung cancer segmentectomy, with the aim of improving patient outcome and patient reported quality of life. Collaboration between the 3D lab, Ear-Nose-Throat Department, Clinic of Orthopedics, Imaging Department and Department of  Vascular and Thoracic Surgery at Ahus.

Postoperative drain usage after Robot assisted lung surgery (Early phase)

  • International study on strategies of drain usage and outcome after robot assisted lung surgery.
  • PI Andrea Bille, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK.
  • Local Project Leader: Rune Eggum, Senior Consultant, MD.                                                                                                                      

  • Wesche, J: Epidemiologi, utredning og behandlingsindikasjon for aortaaneurisme. (Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment Indications for Aortic Aneurysm) Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2009, 129: 2124-6. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.09.0160.

  • Aamodt, H Eggum R: Uniportal VATS kirurgi i Shanghai. (Uniportal VATS Surgery in Shanghai) Kirurgen 4-2017.

  • Wesche, J: Invited co-editor , “Current Status of  Vascular Surgery”. Kirurgen 4- 2018.

  • Aamodt H, Reier-Nilsen F, Olsbø F, Eggum R: Robot assistert thoraxkirurgi på Akershus Universitetssykehus. Våre erfaringer etter 1 års drift . Kirurgen 2-2020. (Robot-Assisted Thoracic Surgery at Akershus University Hospital: Our Experiences After 1 Year of Operation. Surgeon 2-2020.)
  • Aamodt H, Reier-Nilsen F, Eggum R: Robot assistert thoraxkirurgi (RATS). Kirurgen 1-2021 (Robot-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (RATS). Surgeon 1-2021.)

  • Jarlis Wesche contribution to the book: “Sykdomslære. Indremedisin, kirurgi, anestesi, akutt og intensivmedisin» (Pathology. Internal Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesia, Acute and Intensive Medicine.) Eds. Dag Jakobsen, Sverre Erik Kjeldsen, Baard Ingvaldsen, Trond Buanes, Olav Røise. Gyldendal Forlag 2021. ISBN 978-82-05-55458-0

The Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) department are divided into research on three main areas: diseases of the middle ear, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and diseases of the nose.

Research on obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are linked to an epidemiological cohort of persons from the general population that we included between 2006-2008 and a clinical cohort of patients referred to the hospital with suspected breathing cessations during sleep. Participants of the clinical cohort are recruited from finalized cross sectional studies and from a consent-based quality register. We have since 2017 recruited participants to a quality register at Haukeland University Hospital and we are currently developing this collaboration.  The goal or our research is to answer questions related to personalized treatment of OSA. Please see details of on-going projects described below.  

In the research on diseases of the nose, the primary focus is on chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The projects are designed to investigate the relationship between CRS and biofilm and between biofilm-related CRS and questionnaire data. We are also researching the characteristics of a quality-of-life questionnaire for CRS and the use of measurements of space and airflow through the nose.

The otological research group has three categories of research: clinical, laboratory and innovation projects. We have six research projects with international co-operation and six local projects. Practically all projects aim to a PhD degree. In addition, we have two innovation projects, which also aim to a PhD degree. Local projects include laboratory and clinical work.

Clinical projects

The PhD project for Ana Carla Soares Portugal. She is head for the nurser in the day care unit of Ski hospital, which is a part of Ahus. Her PhD is in co-operation and main supervisor from Oslo Met university and the topic is re-traumatization of torture survivors.

EOS-16 is an otologically oriented Quality of Life PROM. This is a co-operation with Helsinki University and Helsinki University Hospital. The aim in Norway is to validate the PROM to Norwegian language. This is also a co-operation with the Bekkensenter study group in Ahus. The status in now with pilot test of the PROM on Norwegian.

We also have co-operation with the OsloMet in Kjeller, Akershus on the Dignio app. This project is still in design status.

There are two project ongoing in the Audiological section of the ENT/Otology section. The first one is in co-operation with OsloMet and focuses on hearing loss after chemotherapy and cognitive skills. This project leads first to a Master grade and both normative and pilot study groups are ready for analysis and article writing. This study also has an innovation part. 

The other study is in co-operation with Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, ENT dept, audiological section. The aim is to develop and test a Nonsense word test in clinical use. This study is based on an earlier PhD project. The material collection is ongoing.

The Otolocical section aims to establish medical quality registers based on general written consent. We already have a quality register, but the ai is to expand this to a medical quality register with connection to already existing Biobank. The establishment of this register makes it possible to have several clinical prospective projects ongoing. There has been many hinders in this project, but we hope that we are in the clinical phase in 2024.

Innovation project

There is an innovation project that is already in Patend pending phase. Now the next goal is to start clinical trials and write articles out of the results gathered so far. This study has used 3D laboratory and other laboratory tests and in vivo test in OUS Comparative medicine unit. The aim of publications is a PhD project. The innovation is a new type of suction tip.

Laboratory projects:
  • Otological section disposes a Holomonitor unit in the EpiGen department in Ahus. This study was stopped by Corona pandemic, but the aim is to start it again. There is a similar situation in the tympanic membrane migration project. Which was started by Professor Magnus von Unge.
  • There is a new project aiming to PhD. This is a co-operation with Professor Jonn Terje Geitung on the Radiological department in Ahus. This project includes laboratory and clinical work and is based on 3D printing of temporal bones. The project has a long background with the development og 3D laboratory in Ahus.

International co-operation

Co-operation with Antwerp university, professor Joris Dirxk and Karolinska Institutet, Jermey Wales and professor emeritus Magnus von Unge. Innovation for measurement of the stiffness of ossicular system with laser vibrometer. Laboratory tests are done and published; clinical part will begin in spring 2024. Link

Co-operation with the university of Tampere. PhD study for Leena Pöyhonen for Eustachian tube dysfunction. To publications are ready published. This co-operation also includes Professor Dennis Poe in Harvard University, School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital Link

Co-operation with University of Helsinki, PhD project for Atte Sjövall. Microbiome of the ear canal, all publications ready, dissertation in 2024. Link

Co-operation within Bioglass in mastoid surgery. International multicenter clinical study with Utrecht Netherlands, Paris France and Halberstadt Germany.

Harald Hrubos-Strøm

Senior consultant Ear-Nose-Throat Department, somnologist and associate professor University of Oslo



Harald Hrubos-Strøm

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Medical head of Sleep surgery, senior consultant, associate professor University of Oslo
Field of expertise: Somnologist

Juha Silvola

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Medical head of otology-otoneurology, senior consultant, professor at University of Oslo
Field of expertise: Ear

Xin Feng

Academic degree: Postdoc
Position: Postdoc
Field of expertise: Radiology

Tonje Caroline Øverby

Academic degree: PhD candidate
Position: clinical research fellow

Ivar Vølstad

Academic degree: MD
Position: Acting head of dept
Field of expertise: ENT

Jan Mikael Gerl

Academic degree: MD
Position: Medical head of rhinology, senior consultant
Field of expertise: Rhinology

Kjetil Askeland

Academic degree: MD
Position: Fellow

Diana Dobran Hansen

Academic degree: Dentist, dental hygienist
Position: PhD Candidate
Field of expertise: Dentist

Thea Thorsov

Academic degree: Nurse, M
Position: PhD Candidate
Field of expertise: Sleep

Hamza Nahoui

Academic degree: MD
Position: PhD Candidate
Field of expertise: Cardiology

Mirjam Mellema

Academic degree: Phd
Position: Coordinator

Unn Tinbod

Academic degree: Speech-language Pathologist
Position: Clinical Research Fellow
Field of expertise: Speech, voice and swallowing disorders

  • Elected leader of the sleep advisory board for the Otorhinolaryngology Association of the Norwegian Medical Association. Hrubos-Strøm H.
  • Elected member of the board and treasurer of the Norwegian Society for Sleep Research and Sleep. Hrubos-Strøm H.
  • Member of European Sleep Research Association. Hrubos-Strøm H.
  • Member of World Sleep Organization. Hrubos-Strøm H.
  • Member of Academy of Aplied Myofunctional Sciences. Hrubos-Strøm H. Magnus von Unge

  • Akershus Sleep Apnea Project / The Gray Zone Patient - Epidemiology of Sleep Disorders
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
  • Akershus Sleep Apnea Project II- Nose, adherence, tongue and sleep cohort (NATS cohort)
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
    • PhD student: Caroline Øverby
  • Revolution of sleep diagnostics and personalized health care based on digital diagnostics and therapeutics with health data integration (Sleep Revolution)
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
    • PhD student: Diana Hansen
  • Akershus Sleep Apnea Diagnostic and Treatment Evaluation (ASADaTE), diagnostic part
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
  • Akershus Sleep Apnea Personalized medicine (ASAP) clinical cohorts
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
    • PhD student: Caroline Øverby
  • Validation of Norwegian version of the questionnaire Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT)-22
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
  • Behavioral and adherence model for improving quality, health outcomes and cost-effectiveness of healthcare (BEAMER)
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
  • Hypnos: game-changing EEG device for sleep improvement (ProHypno)
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
  • OMTAOSA RCT - En randomisert, kontrollert studie av effekten til orofaciell myofunksjonell terapi med autofeedback mot søvnapné
    • Project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis: Does the entity contain clinically meaningful subgroups? Biochemical markers and their varying expression in proposed subgroups
    • Project leader: Gregor Bachmann-Harilstad
  • The Constitutive Migration of the Tympanic Membrane Keratinocytes
    • Project leader: Professor Juha Silvola
    • PhD student: Andreas Forsmark
  • The MIVIB (Minimally invasive intraoperative laser vibrometry) pilot trial, Laser-Doppler vibrometry: Intra-operative measurement of hearing bone mobility, development of a minimally invasive intraoperative vibrometry method (MIVIB)
    • Project leader: Professor Juha Silvola
    • PhD student: Wales J (Karolinska)
  • Cancer treatment's impact on Hearing, smell and cognitive function (HearCan) - pilot and norm data.
    • Project leader: Professor Juha Silvola
  • Better Hearing Rehabilitation through Detailed Speech Sound Testing
    • Project leader: Professor Juha Silvola
  • SuDHO - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Acute Hearing Loss - A Randomized Controlled Study
    • Project leader: Professor Juha Silvola

Innosleep Task 3.1

National project leader: Harald Hrubos-Strøm, PhD, Chief Physician Ear-Nose-Throat
Financial Manager: Jørgen Bakke Michelsen
Research Coordinator: Marlene Jin Thompson and Mirjam Mellema Phd.


  1. Allardyce BJ, Rajkhowa R, Dilley RJ, Xie Z, Campbell L, Keating A, et al. Comparative acoustic performance and mechanical properties of silk membranes for the repair of chronic tympanic membrane perforations. Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2016;64:65-74.
  2. Arnardottir ES, Islind AS, Óskarsdóttir M, Ólafsdóttir KA, August E, Jónasdóttir L, et al. The Sleep Revolution project: the concept and objectives. Journal of Sleep Research. 2022;31(4):8.
  3. Bachmann-Harildstad G, Müller R, Michel O. Beta-trace protein in pediatric otitis media with effusion. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2014;78(4):659-62.
  4. Bédard A, Antó JM, Fonseca J, Arnavielhe S, Bachert C, Bedbrook A, et al. Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air ® App. Allergy European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2020;75(7):1672-88.
  5. Berling Holm K, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Knutsson J, Von Unge M. Surgery for chronic otitis media causes greater taste disturbance than surgery for otosclerosis. Otology & Neurotology. 2018;40(1).
  6. Berling Holm K, Knutsson J, Strömbäck K, Lillieström ND, Papatziamos G, Rosenblad A, Von Unge M. Taste disturbance after stapes surgery: an evaluation of frequency, severity, duration, and quality-of-life. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2017;137(1):39-43.
  7. Berling K, Mannström P, Ulfendahl M, Danckwardt Lillieström N, Von Unge M. The chorda tympani degenerates during chronic otitis media: An electron microscopy study. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2015;135(6):542-8.
  8. Bjorvatn B, Merikanto I, Reis C, Korman M, Bjelajac AK, Holzinger B, et al. Shift workers are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 compared with day workers: Results from the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS) of 7141 workers. Chronobiology International. 2022:9.
  9. Bousquet J, Bewick M, Cano A, Eklund P, Fico G, Goswami N, et al. Building bridges for innovation in ageing: Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 2016;21(1):92-104.
  10. Bousquet J, Cristol J-P, Czarlewski W, Antó JM, Martineau AR, Haahtela T, et al. Nrf2-interacting nutrients and COVID-19: time for research to develop adaptation strategies. Clinical and Translational Allergy. 2020;10(58):18.
  11. Carlsen KCL, Haahtela T, Carlsen K-H, Smith A, Bjerke M, Wickman M, et al. Integrated allergy and asthma prevention and care: report of the MeDALL/AIRWAYS ICPs Meeting at the Ministry of Health and Care Services, Oslo, Norway. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 2015;167(1):57-64.
  12. Caspersen NF, Røsjø H, Flyvbjerg A, Bjerre M, Randby A, Hrubos-Strøm H, et al. The association between circulating adiponectin levels, lung function and adiposity in subjects from the general population; data from the Akershus Sleep Apnea Project. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2018;18(54).
  13. Dahl S, Steinsvik EAS, Dahl AA, Loge JH, Småstuen MC, Fosså SD. Return to work and sick leave after radical prostatectomy: A prospective clinical study. Acta Oncologica. 2014;53(6):744-51.
  14. Danielsen K-A, Eskeland Ø, Fridrich-Aas K, Orszagh VC, Bachmann-Harildstad G, Burum-Auensen E. Bacterial biofilms in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis: A confocal scanning laser microscopy study. Rhinology. 2014;52(2):150-5.
  15. Danielsen K-A, Eskeland Ø, Fridrich-Aas K, Orszagh VC, Bachmann-Harildstad G, Burum-Auensen E. Bacterial biofilms in chronic rhinosinusitis; Distribution and prevalence. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2016;136(1):109-12.
  16. Danilova E, Skrindo I, Gran E, Hales BJ, Smith WA, Jahnsen J, et al. A role for CCL28-CCR3 in T-cell homing to the human upper airway mucosa. Mucosal Immunology. 2015;8(1):107-14.
  17. Eide PK, Pripp AH, Berge B, Hrubos-Strøm H, Ringstad G, Valnes LM. Altered glymphatic enhancement of cerebrospinal fluid tracer in individuals with chronic poor sleep quality. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2022;42(9):1676-92.
  18. Eskeland Ø, Danielsen K-A, Dahl FA, Fridrich-Aas K, Orszagh VC, Bachmann-Harildstad G, Burum-Auensen E. Causes of higher symptomatic airway load in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders. 2017;17(15):6.
  19. Falkenberg-Jensen B, Hopp E, Jablonski GE, Pripp AH, Silvola JT. The cartilaginous Eustachian tube: Reliable CT measurement and impact of the length. American Journal of Otolaryngology. 2018;39(4):436-40.
  20. Falkenberg-Jensen BM, Jablonski G, Silvola JT, Kristiansen JF, Hopp E. CT imaging of the Eustachian tube using focal contrast medium administration: a feasibility study in humans. Acta Radiologica Open. 2020;9:1-6.
  21. Fosså SD, Storås AMH, Steinsvik EAS, Myklebust TÅ, Eri LM, Loge JH, Dahl AA. Psychometric testing of the Norwegian version of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite 26-item version (EPIC-26). Scandinavian Journal of Urology. 2016;50(4):280-5.
  22. Geirdal AØ, Dheyauldeen SAD, Bachmann-Harildstad G, Heimdal KR. Living with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: Coping and psychological distress – A cross-sectional study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2013;35(3):206-13.
  23. Gladiné K, Wales J, Silvola JT, Muyshondt PGH, Topsakal V, Van de Heyning P, et al. Evaluation of Artificial Fixation of the Incus and Malleus With Minimally Invasive Intraoperative Laser Vibrometry (MIVIB) in a Temporal Bone Model. Otology & Neurotology. 2019:7.
  24. Grøndahl P, Hrubos-Strøm H, Ekeberg Ø. Sexsomnia – a forensic psychiatric challenge – a case report. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 2017;28(4):498-512.
  25. Grønseth T, Ovchinnikov K, Carlsen H, Saltyte Benth J, Diep DB, Von Unge M, Silvola JT. Lugol's solution and Gentian violet eradicate methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm in skin wound infections. International Wound Journal. 2022:11.
  26. Grønseth T, Vestby LK, Nesse LL, Thoen E, Habimana O, Von Unge M, Silvola JT. Lugol's solution eradicates Staphylococcus aureus biofilm in vitro. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2017;103:58-64.
  27. Grønseth T, Vestby LK, Nesse LL, Von Unge M, Silvola JT. Bioactive glass S53P4 eradicates Staphylococcus aureus in biofilm/planktonic states in vitro. Uppsala Journal of Medical Sciences. 2020;125(3):217-25.
  28. Jackson C, Aabel P, Eidet JR, Messelt EB, Lyberg T, Von Unge M, Utheim TP. Effect of storage temperature on cultured epidermal cell sheets stored in xenobiotic-free medium. PLOS ONE. 2014;9(8):9.
  29. Jorgensen OJ, Steineger JE, Bachmann-Harildstad G, Dheyauldeen S. A comparative study of two grading systems for epistaxis in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. Rhinology. 2021;59(2):212-8.
  30. Knutsson J, Kahlin A, Von Unge M. Clinical and audiological short-term and long-term outcomes of fat graft myringoplasty. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2017;137(9):940-4.
  31. Knutsson J, Priwin C, Hessén-Söderman A-C, Rosenblad A, Von Unge M. A randomized study of four different types of tympanostomy ventilation tubes ? Full-term follow-up. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2018;107:140-4.
  32. Kvestad E, Czajkowski NO, Krog NH, Engdahl BL, Tambs K. Heritability of Hearing Loss. Epidemiology. 2012;23(2):328-31.
  33. Lie A, Wärnberg Gerdin S, Skrindo I, Rehbinder EM, Jonassen CM, LeBlanc ME, et al. Evaluation of Skin Prick Test Reading Time at 10 versus 15 min in Young Infants. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 2022;183(8):824-34.
  34. Liew LJ, Chen LQ, Wang AY, Von Unge M, Atlas MD, Dilley RJ. Tympanic Membrane Derived Stem Cell-Like Cultures for Tissue Regeneration. Stem Cells and Development. 2018;27(10):649-57.
  35. Luukkainen V, Kivekäs I, Silvola JT, Jero J, Sinkkonen ST. Balloon eustachian tuboplasty: Systematic review of long-term outcomes and proposed indications. The Journal of International Advanced Otology. 2018;14(1):112-26.
  36. Laakso JT, Silvola JT, Hirvonen T, Suutarla S, Kivekäs I, Saarinen R, et al. Development of otology specific outcome measure: Ear Outcome Survey-16 (EOS-16). Journal of Otology. 2021;16(3):150-7.
  37. McIntosh C, Clemm HSH, Sewry N, Hrubos-Strøm H, Schwellnus MP. Diagnosis and management of nasal obstruction in the athlete. A narrative review by subgroup B of the IOC Consensus Group on "Acute Respiratory Illness in the Athlete". Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2021;61(8):1144-58.
  38. Merikanto I, Dauvilliers Y, Chung F, Wing YK, de Gennaro L, Holzinger B, et al. Sleep symptoms are essential features of long-COVID – Comparing healthy controls with COVID-19 cases of different severity in the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS-II). Journal of Sleep Research. 2022;32(1):1-7.
  39. Moene LCJ, Hauge M, Silvola JT, Bachmann-Harildstad G. In vitro surface temperature of nasal balloons during hot water inflation. Rhinology Online. 2019:5.
  40. Niklasson A, Gladiné K, Rönnblom A, Von Unge M, Dirckx J, Tano K. An Optimal Partial Ossicular Prosthesis Should Connect Both to the Tympanic Membrane and Malleus: A Temporal Bone Study Using Laser Doppler Vibrometry. Otology & Neurotology. 2018;39(3):333-9.
  41. Niklasson A, Rönnblom A, Muyshondt P, Dirckx J, Von Unge M, Tano K. Ossiculoplastic on isolated malleus fractures: a human temporal bone study using laser doppler vibrometry. Otology & Neurotology. 2016;37(7):895-901.
  42. Olafsson TA, Steinsvik EAS, Bachmann-Harildstad G, Hrubos-Strøm H. A validation study of an esophageal probe–based polygraph against polysomnography in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing. 2021;26(2):575-84.
  43. Omland T, Randby A, Hrubos-Strøm H, Røsjø H, Einvik G. Relation of Erectile Dysfunction to Subclinical Myocardial Injury. American Journal of Cardiology. 2016;118(12):1821-5.
  44. Pahari P, Korkalainen H, Karhu T, Rissanen M, Arnardottir ES, Hrubos-Strøm H, et al. Obstructive sleep apnea-related intermittent hypoxaemia is associated with impaired vigilance. Journal of Sleep Research. 2022:1-9.
  45. Pasovic L, Utheim TP, Maria R, Lyberg T, Messelt EB, Aabel P, et al. Ophthimization of Storage Temperature for Cultured ARPE-19 Cells. Journal of Ophthalmology. 2013:11.
  46. Peacock J, Dirckx J, Von Unge M. Magnetically driven middle ear ossicles with laser vibrometry as a new diagnostic tool to quantify ossicular fixation. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2014;134(4):352-7.
  47. Peacock J, Dirckx J, Von Unge M. Towards quantitative diagnosis of ossicular fixation: Measurement of stapes fixations using magnetically driven ossicles in human temporal bones. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2015;135(9):880-5.
  48. Peacock J, Dirckx J, Von Unge M. Intraoperative assessment of ossicular fixation. Hearing Research. 2016;340:99-106.
  49. Peacock J, Von Unge M, Dirckx J. Magnetically driven middle ear ossicles for optical measurement of vibrations in an ear with opened tympanic membrane. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2013;84(12):5.
  50. Peacock J, Von Unge M, Dirckx J. Measurement of the vibration of the middle ear ossicles with removed eardrum: A method for quantification of ossicular fixation. Medical Engineering and Physics. 2013;35(12):1786-92.
  51. Pedersen M, Ekstedt M, Småstuen MC, Wyller VBB, Sulheim D, Fagermoen FE, et al. Sleep-wake rhythm disturbances and perceived sleep in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research. 2017;26(5):595-601.
  52. Randby A, Namtvedt SK, Einvik G, Hrubos-Strøm H, Hagve T-A, Somers VK, Omland T. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Associated With Increased High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Levels. Chest. 2012;142(3):639-46.
  53. Randby A, Namtvedt SK, Hrubos-Strøm H, Einvik G, Somers VK, Omland T. Sex-Dependent Impact of OSA on Digital Vascular Function. Chest. 2013;144(3):915-22.
  54. Reuter A, Rogge L, Monahan M, Kachapila M, Morton DG, Davies JI, et al. Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis. British Journal of Surgery. 2022;109(10):995-1003.
  55. Rødvik AK, Torkildsen JvK, Wie OB, Storaker MA, Silvola JT. Consonant and vowel identification in cochlear implant users measured by nonsense words: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 2018;61(4):1023-50.
  56. Rødvik AK, Tvete O, Torkildsen JvK, Wie OB, Skaug I, Silvola JT. Consonant and Vowel Confusions in Well-Performing Children and Adolescents With Cochlear Implants, Measured by a Nonsense Syllable Repetition Test. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019;10:1-17.
  57. Rönnblom A, Gladiné K, Niklasson A, Von Unge M, Dirckx J, Tano K. A New, Promising Experimental Ossicular Prosthesis: A Human Temporal Bone Study With Laser Doppler Vibrometry. Otology & Neurotology. 2019;40:8.
  58. Schart-Morén N, Mannström P, Rask-Andersen H, Von Unge M. Effects of mechanical trauma to the human tympanic membrane: an experimental study using transmission electron microscopy. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2017;137(9):928-34.
  59. Seys SF, De Bont S, Fokkens WJ, Bachert C, Alobid I, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, et al. Real-life assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis patients using mobile technology: The mySinusitisCoach project by EUFOREA. Allergy European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2020;75(11):2867-78.
  60. Shafique M, Yaqub S, Lie ES, Dahl V, Olsbø FA, Røkke O. New and Safe Treatment of Food Impacted in the Esophagus: A Single Center Experience of 100 Consecutive Cases. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2013:4.
  61. Sigurdardóttir FD, Lyngbakken M, Hveem K, Hrubos-Strøm H, Røsjø H, Redline S, Omland T. Insomnia symptoms and subclinical myocardial injury: Data from the Nord-Trøndelag Health (HUNT) study. Journal of Sleep Research. 2021;30(5):10.
  62. Sigurdardóttir FD, Øverby TC, Nikkonen S, Karhu T, Dammen T, Nordhus IH, et al. Novel oxygen desaturation parameters are associated with cardiac troponin I: Data from the Akershus Sleep Apnea Project. Journal of Sleep Research. 2022;31(5):9.
  63. Sjövall A, Aho VTE, Hyyrynen T, Kinnari TJ, Auvinen P, Silvola JT, et al. Microbiome of the Healthy External Auditory Canal. Otology & Neurotology. 2021;42(5):e609-e14.
  64. Skjerven HO, Rehbinder EM, Vettukattil MR, LeBlanc ME, Granum B, Haugen G, et al. Skin emollient and early complementary feeding to prevent infant atopic dermatitis (PreventADALL): a factorial, multicentre, cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet. 2020;395(10228):951-61.
  65. Skrindo I, Ballke KC, Gran E, Johansen F-E, Bækkevold ES, Jahnsen FL. IL-5 production by resident mucosal allergen-specific T cells in an explant model of allergic rhinitis. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2015;45(8):1296-304.
  66. Söderman A-CH, Knutsson J, Priwin C, Von Unge M. A randomized study of four different types of tympanostomy ventilation tubes – One-year follow-up. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2016;89:159-63.
  67. Thorshov TC, Moen A, Børøsund E. Helsepersonells forventninger til e-konsultasjon - en kvalitativ studie. Sykepleien Forskning. 2021.
  68. Varendh M, Andersson M, Bjørnsdottir E, Hrubos-Strøm H, johannison a, Arnardóttir ES, et al. Nocturnal nasal obstruction is frequent and reduces sleep quality in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Sleep Research. 2018;27(4).
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  71. Värendh M, Andersson M, Björnsdóttir E, Arnardóttir ES, Gíslason Þ, Pack AI, et al. PAP treatment in patients with OSA does not induce long-term nasal obstruction. Journal of Sleep Research. 2018:10.
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  73. Vølstad IB, Olafsson TA, Steinsvik EAS, Dahl FA, Skrindo I, Bachmann-Harildstad G. Minimal unilateral peak nasal inspiratory flow correlates with patient reported nasal obstruction. Rhinology. 2019;57(6):436-43.
  74. Wales J, Gladiné K, Van de Heyning P, Topsakal V, Von Unge M, Dirckx JJJ. Minimally invasive laser vibrometry (MIVIB) with a floating mass transducer - A new method for objective evaluation of the middle ear demonstrated on stapes fixation. Hearing Research. 2018;357:46-53.
  75. Wang AY, Liew LJ, Shen Y, Wang JT, Von Unge M, Atlas MD, Dilley RJ. Rat model of chronic tympanic membrane perforation: A longitudinal histological evaluation of underlying mechanisms. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2017;93:88-96.
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  77. Yaqub S, Shafique M, Kjæstad E, Thorsen Y, Lie ES, Dahl V, et al. A safe treatment option for esophageal bezoars. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (IJSCR). 2012;3(8):366-7.
  78. Øverby CT, Sutharshan P, Gulbrandsen P, Dammen T, Hrubos-Strøm H. Shared decision making: A novel approach to personalized treatment in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Medicine: X. 2022;4:9.
  79. Aabel P, Utheim TP, Olstad OK, Rask-Andersen H, Dilley RJ, Von Unge M. Transcription and microRNA Profiling of Cultured Human Tympanic Membrane Epidermal Keratinocytes. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 2018;19(3):243-60.  

The research groups in gastrointestinal surgery at Ahus aim to improve current treatment procedures and discover new knowledge related to diagnoses treated at our department. The focus is on clinical research. The vision is to include as many of our patients as possible in clinical studies, both intervention studies and observational studies.

  • Ventral Hernia 
  • Inflammatory
  • Bowel Disease
  • Diverticular Disease of the Colon 
  • Cancer: Stomach, Colon, Rectum, Small Intestine 
  • Acute Pancreatitis 
  • Perianal Fistulas 
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Acute Appendicitis

  • Several publications in high-ranking journals
  • Annual colorectal symposia with international participation
  • Several intern and international research prices
  • Initiator of several national and international projects

Knut Magne Augestad

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: 1. amanuensis
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Appendicitis, Translational research

Dejan Ignjatovic

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Professor ll
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Translational research, Robotic surgery

Johannes Kurt Schultz

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: 1. amanuensis
Field of expertise: IBD, Colorectal cancer, Diverticulitis

Tom Øresland

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Professor emeritus
Field of expertise: IBD, Pelvic floor disorders, Proctology

Odd Langbach

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Ventral hernia repair, Pancreatitis


Yasir Malik

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon/PHD candidate
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Robotic surgery

Gurpreet Singh Banipal

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon/ PHD candidate
Field of expertise: Colon cancer, Robotic surgery 

Nora W Christensen

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon/ PHD candidate
Field of expertise: IBD

Ingeborg Steinholt

Academic degree: MD
Position: Surgical fellow/ PHD candidate
Field of expertise: Appendicitis 

Erik Kjæstad

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Small bowel tumors, Colon cancer, Robotic surgery

Yngve Thorsen

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Colon cancer, Pelvic floor disorders

Thomas Heggelund

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Robotic surgery, Rectal prolapse

Muhammad Shafique

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: IBD, Colorectal cancer, Robotic surgery

Rolf Riis

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Pediatric surgery, Robotic surgery, Mininvasive transanal surgery

Arne Færden

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, IBD, Mininvasive transanal surgery

Marianne Merok

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Pelvic floor disorders

Anne Helene Ask Lilleaas

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Small bowel tumors, Ventral hernia

Lars Lohne Eftang

Academic degree: MD PhD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Gastric cancer, Hernia repair, Gastroesofageal reflux

Robin Gaupset

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer, Gastric cancer, Gastroesofageal reflux

Merete Helgeland 

Academic degree: MSc
Position: Research coordinator


We collaborate with several centers in Norway, Sweden, Germany, England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Turkey, in addition to:

  • Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • Department of Pathology, Ahus
  • EPIGEN, Ahus
  • Department of Infectious Diseases, Ahus
  • Department of Health Services Research, Ahus
  • Department of Gastroenterology, Ahus
  • Department of Anesthesiology, Ahus
  • Department of Radiology, Ahus
  • Department of Microbiology, Ahus

  • Responsible for three national courses for junior doctors in gastrointestinal surgery.
  • Regular LAPCONOR “train the trainer” courses.
  • Mebership of international societies and committees.
  • Participation in several international clinical guidelines.
  • Education of medical students and young surgeons.

  • D3 small intestine (inclusion completed)
    • Project Leader: Dejan Ignjatovic
  • SCAR study (external PI)
    • Local Responsible: Knut Magne Augestad
  • RefluxStop™ - a new surgical method for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (external PI)
    • Local Responsible: Lars Lohne Eftang

  • Appendisitt studiene
    • Project Leader: Knut Magne Augestad
  • SCANDIV II (External PI) Scandinavian diverticulitis study


  • Tom Øresland: SCANDIV (HSØ 4Mio and Ahus 0,5 Mio).
  • Dejan Ignjatovic.
  • Knut Magne Augestad Cancer Society (2024, 8Mio).
  • Johannes Schultz Cancer Society (2024, 8Mio).


  • Funding via strategic funding (Ahus), several projects (total last 10 years: approx. 1,5 Mio).
  • Funding via Surgical division for several projects (total last 10 years: approx. 1,8 Mio).


  • Javier Armando Luzon
    • Applying emerging 3D visualization technologies to macro and micro anatomical datasets, for the improvement of operative planning, performance and outcomes in colon cancer surgery
  • Yngve Thorsen
    • Right Colectomy with Extended D3-Mesenterectomy: What can we say about the extent and the consequences of the injury to the superior mesenteric plexus?


  • Jens Marius Næsgaard
    • The introduction and implementation of right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy anterior and posterior to the mesenteric vessels


  • Johannes Kurt Schultz
  • Surgical aspects of diverticular disease of the colon - a randomized controlled trial and a cohort study challenging traditional treatment
  • Marie Louise Sunde
    • Studies on the ileal pouch-anal anastomosis


  • Odd Langbach
    • The consequences of ventral hernia mesh repair - analyses and interpretation of different aspects of outcome


  • Lars Lohne Eftang
    • Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: genetic and epigenetic mechanisms – from bench to bedside


  • Margit Leonie Hesla Riis
    • Molecular analysis of pre- and postoperative biopsies in breast cancer progression



  • Rolf Aamodt
    • Molecular alterations in primary rectal adenocarcinomas, prognostic impacts and differences from colon adenocarcinomas


  • Arne Engebreth Færden
    • Surgical, diagnostic and histopathological refinements in colorectal cancer



  • Nazir Naimy
    • Vaginal delivery and anal incontinence



  • Johan Bondi
    • Molecular biological alterations in primerary colon adenocarcinomas in relation to patient prognosis

  1. Aghayan D, Kazaryan AM, Fretland ÅA, Sahakyan M, Røsok BI, Bjørnbeth BA, Edwin B. Laparoscopic liver resection for metastatic melanoma. Surgical Endoscopy. 2017;Published ahead of print:1-8.
  2. Aghayan D, Pelanis E, Fretland ÅA, Kazaryan AM, Sahakyan M, Røsok BI, et al. Laparoscopic parenchyma-sparing liver resection for colorectal metastases. Radiology and Oncology. 2017;52(1):36-41.
  3. Agustdottir EE, Stimec BV, Strømmen TT, Sheikh AE, Elaiyarajah I, Lindstrøm JC, Ignjatovic D. Preventing chylous ascites after right hemicolectomy with D3 extended mesenterectomy. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. 2020;405:1017-24.
  4. Alser O, Gallastegi AD, Gebran A, Breen K, El Moheb M, Gaitanidis A, et al. Outcomes and Their State-level Variation in Patients Undergoing Surgery With Perioperative SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the USA: A Prospective Multicenter Study. Annals of Surgery. 2022;275(2):247-51.
  5. Andersen BT, Stimec BV, Edwin B, Kazaryan AM, Maziarz PJ, Ignjatovic D. Re-interpreting mesenteric vascular anatomy on 3D virtual and/or physical models: positioning the middle colic artery bifurcation and its relevance to surgeons operating colon cancer. Surgical Endoscopy. 2021;36:100-8.
  6. Andersen BT, Stimec BV, Kazaryan AM, Rancinger PI, Edwin BvG, Ignjatovic D. Re-interpreting mesenteric vascular anatomy on 3D virtual and/or physical models, part II: anatomy of relevance to surgeons operating splenic flexure cancer. Surgical Endoscopy. 2022;36:9136-45.
  7. Augestad KM, Butt K, Ignjatovic D, Keller DS, Kiran R. Video-based coaching in surgical education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgical Endoscopy. 2019;34(2):521-35.
  8. Augestad KM, Han H, Paige J, Ponsky TA, Schlachta C, Dunkin B, Mellinger J. Educational implications for surgical telementoring: a current review with recommendations for future practice, policy, and research. Surgical Endoscopy. 2017;31(10):3836-46.
  9. Augestad KM, Keller DS, Bakaki PM, Rose J, Koroukian SM, Øresland T, Delaney CP. The impact of rectal cancer tumor height on recurrence rates and metastatic location: A competing risk analysis of a national database. Cancer Epidemiology. 2018;53:56-64.
  10. Augestad KM, Merok MA, Ignjatovic D. Tailored treatment of colorectal cancer: Surgical, molecular, and genetic considerations. Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology. 2017;11.
  11. Azhar N, Aref H, Brorsson A, Lydrup M-L, Jörgren F, Schultz JK, Buchwald P. Management of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis without antibiotics: compliance and outcomes -a retrospective cohort study. BMC Emergency Medicine. 2022;22:7.
  12. Azhar N, Buchwald P, Ansari H, Schyman T, Yaqub S, Øresland T, Schultz JK. Risk of colorectal cancer following CT-verified acute diverticulitis: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Colorectal Disease. 2020:1406-14.
  13. Azhar N, Johanssen A, Sundström T, Folkesson J, Wallon C, Kørner H, et al. Laparoscopic lavage vs primary resection for acute perforated diverticulitis: Long-term outcomes from the Scandinavian Diverticulitis (SCANDIV) randomized clinical trial. JAMA Surgery. 2020:1-7.
  14. Azhar N, Kulstad H, Pålsson B, Schultz JK, Lydrup M-L, Buchwald P. Acute uncomplicated diverticulitis managed without antibiotics?difficult to introduce a new treatment protocol but few complications. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2018.
  15. Barkhatov L, Fretland ÅA, Kazaryan AM, Røsok BI, Brudvik KW, Waage A, et al. Validation of clinical risk scores for laparoscopic liver resections of colorectal liver metastases: A 10-year observed follow-up study. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2016;114(6):757-63.
  16. Bengtsson J, Adlerberth I, Östblom A, Saksena P, Øresland T, Börjesson L. Effect of probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum 299 plus Bifidobacterium Cure21) in patients with poor ileal pouch function: A randomised controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016;51(9):1087-92.
  17. Bondi JF, Avdagic J, Karlbom U, Hallbook O, Kalman D, Saltyte Benth J, et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing collagen plug and advancement flap for trans-sphincteric anal fistula. British Journal of Surgery. 2017;104(9):1160-6.
  18. Brady JT, Ko B, Hohmann SF, Crawshaw BP, Leinicke JA, Steele SR, et al. Application of a simple, affordable quality metric tool to colorectal, upper gastrointestinal, hernia, and hepatobiliary surgery patients: the HARM score. Surgical Endoscopy. 2017:1-8.
  19. Brochmann ND, Schultz JK, Jakobsen GS, Øresland T. Management of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis without antibiotics: a single-centre cohort study. Colorectal Disease. 2016;18(11):1101-7.
  20. Butt K, Augestad KM. Educational value of surgical telementoring. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2021;124(2):231-40.
  21. Chabok A, Thorisson A, Nikberg M, Schultz JK, Sallinen VJ. Changing Paradigms in the Management of Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery. 2021;110(2):180-6.
  22. Deputy M, Worley G, Patel K, Fletcher J, Hart A, Block M, et al. Long-term outcome and quality of life after continent ileostomy for ulcerative colitis: A systematic review. Colorectal Disease. 2021;23(9):2286-99.
  23. Domanska D, Majid U, Karlsen V, Merok MA, Røberg Beitnes A-C, Yaqub S, et al. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of human colonic macrophages reveals niche-specific subsets. Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM). 2022;219:e20211846(3):1-18.
  24. Drake TM, Pata F, Ghosh D, Ademuyiwa AO, Arnaud AP, Bhangu A, et al. Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in children: an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study. BMJ Global Health. 2020.
  25. Eftang LL, Esbensen QY, Tannæs TM, Blom GP, Bukholm IRK, Bukholm G. Up-regulation of CLDN1 in gastric cancer is correlated with reduced survival. BMC Cancer. 2013;13(586).
  26. Eftang LL, Esbensen QY, Tannæs TM, Bukholm IRK, Bukholm G. Interleukin-8 is the single most up-regulated gene in whole genome profiling of H. pylori exposed gastric epithelial cells. BMC Microbiology. 2012;12(9):15.
  27. Eftang LL, Klajic J, Kristensen VN, Tost J, Esbensen QY, Blom GP, et al. GFRA3 promoter methylation may be associated with decreased postoperative survival in gastric cancer. BMC Cancer. 2016;16:11.
  28. Elstad JI, Reiertsen O. Sykehusinnleggelser de tre siste leveårene. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. 2018;138(9):8.
  29. Francis N, Kazaryan AM, Pietrabissa A, Goitein D, Yiannakopoulou E, Agresta F, et al. A research agenda for the European Association for Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES). Surgical Endoscopy. 2017;31(5):2042-9.
  30. Fretland ÅA, Dagenborg VJ, Bjørnelv GMW, Kazaryan AM, Kristiansen R, Fagerland M, et al. Laparoscopic Versus Open Resection for Colorectal Liver Metastases: The OSLO-COMET Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Surgery. 2018;267(2):199-207.
  31. Gaupset R, Næsgaard JM, Kazaryan AM, Stimec BV, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D. Introducing anatomically correct CT-guided laparoscopic right colectomy with D3 anterior posterior extended mesenterectomy: Initial experience and technical pitfalls. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2018;28(10):1174-82.
  32. Gebran A, Gaitanidis A, Argandykov D, Maurer LR, Gallastegi AD, Bokenkamp M, et al. Mortality and pulmonary complications in emergency general surgery patients with COVID-19: A large international multicenter study. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2022;93(1):59-65.
  33. Glasbey JC, Abbott TE, Ademuyiwa A, Adisa A, Alameer E, Alshryda S, et al. Elective surgery system strengthening: development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries. The Lancet. 2022;400(10363):1607-17.
  34. Glasbey JC, Adisa AO, Costas-Chavarri A, Qureshi AU, Allen-Ingabire JC, Salem HK, et al. Global variation in anastomosis and end colostomy formation following left-sided colorectal resection. BJS Open. 2019;3:403-14.
  35. Granheim TH, Hovde KR, Christophersen K-A, Dihle A. Sykepleieres og studenters kunnskap og holdninger til smerter og smertelindring hos voksne. Sykepleien Forskning. 2015(4):326-34.
  36. Grønvold L, Spasojevic M, Næsgaard JM, Ignjatovic D. Single-incision Laparoscopic Versus Conventional Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair: A Comparison of Short-term Surgical Results. Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques. 2012;22(4):354-7.
  37. Guren M, Kørner H, Pfeffer F, Myklebust TÅ, Eriksen MT, Edna T-H, et al. Nationwide improvement of rectal cancer treatment outcomes in Norway, 1993-2010. Acta Oncologica. 2015;54(10):1714-22.
  38. Jensen K, Cristina S-R, Mikalsen KØ, Lindsetmo R-O, Kouskoumvekaki I, Girolami M, et al. Analysis of free text in electronic health records for identification of cancer patient trajectories. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:12.
  39. Kiil S, Stimec BV, Spasojevic M, Fasel JHD, Ignjatovic D. 3D for D3: Role of Imaging for Right Colectomy in a Case with Congenital Superior Mesenteric Vein Aneurysm and Co-Existing Anomalous Irrigation. Chirurgia. 2013;108(2):256-8.
  40. Kleive D, Aas E, Angelsen J-H, Bringeland EA, Nesbakken A, Nymo LS, et al. Simultaneous Resection of Primary Colorectal Cancer and Synchronous Liver Metastases: Contemporary Practice, Evidence and Knowledge Gaps. Oncology and Therapy. 2021;9(1):111-20.
  41. Lambrecht JR, Vaktskjold A, TRONDSEN E, Øyen O, Reiertsen O. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: outcomes in primary versus incisional hernias: no effect of defect closure. Hernia. 2015;19(3):479-86.
  42. Langbach O, Bukholm IRK, Saltyte Benth J, Røkke O. Long term recurrence, pain and patient satisfaction after ventral hernia mesh repair. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (WJGS). 2015;7(12):384-93.
  43. Langbach O, Bukholm IRK, Saltyte Benth J, Røkke O. Long-term quality of life and functionality after ventral hernia mesh repair. Surgical Endoscopy. 2016:11.
  44. Langbach O, Holmedal SH, Grandal OJ, Røkke O. Adhesions to Mesh after Ventral Hernia Mesh Repair Are Detected by MRI but Are Not a Cause of Long Term Chronic Abdominal Pain. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2016;2016:7.
  45. Langbach O, Kristoffersen AK, Abesha-Belay E, Enersen M, Røkke O, Olsen I. Oral, intestinal, and skin bacteria in ventral hernia mesh implants. Journal of Oral Microbiology. 2016;8:31854(1):1-15.
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  47. Larssen KS, Stimec B, Takvam JA, Ignjatovic D. Role of imaging in gastric volvulus: Stepwise approach in three cases. The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012;23(4):390-3.
  48. Lauritzen PM, Andersen JG, Stokke MV, Tennstrand AL, Aamodt R, Heggelund T, et al. Radiologist-initiated double reading of abdominal CT: Retrospective analysis of the clinical importance of changes to radiology reports. BMJ Quality and Safety. 2016;25(8):595-603.
  49. LUNDQVIST C, Beiske AG, Reiertsen O, Kristiansen IS. Real life cost and quality of life associated with continuous intraduodenal levodopa infusion compared with oral treatment in Parkinson patients. Journal of Neurology. 2014;261(12):2438-45.
  50. Luzon J, Andersen BT, Stimec BV, Fasel JHD, Bakka AO, Kazaryan AM, Ignjatovic D. Implementation of 3D printed superior mesenteric vascular models for surgical planning and/or navigation in right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy: comparison of virtual and physical models to the anatomy found at surgery. Surgical Endoscopy. 2018:1-9.
  51. Luzon J, Kumar RP, Stimec BV, Elle OJ, Bakka AO, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D. Semi-automated vs. manual 3D reconstruction of central mesenteric vascular models: the surgeon’s verdict. Surgical Endoscopy. 2019:1-11.
  52. Luzon J, Stimec BV, Bakka AO, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D. Value of the surgeon’s sightline on hologram registration and targeting in mixed reality. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2020;15:2027-39.
  53. Luzon J, Thorsen Y, Parreiras Nogueira L, Andersen SN, Edwin BvG, Haugen HJ, et al. Reconstructing topography and extent of injury to the superior mesenteric artery plexus in right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy: a composite multimodal 3-dimensional analysis. Surgical Endoscopy. 2022;36(10):7607-18.
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  55. Malik YG, Lyckander LG, Lindstrøm JC, Holmquist ODS, Sheikh AE, Schultz JK, Ignjatovic D. Stratification of Stage III colon cancer may identify a patient group not requiring adjuvant chemotherapy. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2020:1-11.
  56. Marshall JR, Buchwald P, Gandhi J, Schultz JK, Hider PN, Frizelle FA, Eglinton TW. Laparoscopic Lavage in the Management of Hinchey Grade III Diverticulitis. Annals of Surgery. 2016:7.
  57. Mckay SC, Drake TM, Spiers HV, Bassi C, Giovinazzo F, Citterio D, et al. Outcomes of patients undergoing elective liver and pancreas cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study. HPB. 2022;24(10):1668-78.
  58. Milone M, Carrano FM, Letic E, Shamiyeh A, Forgione A, Eom BW, et al. Surgical challenges and research priorities in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: EAES membership survey. Surgical Endoscopy. 2020;34(10):4225-32.
  59. Moen TME, Stimec B, Ignjatovic D. The Use of a Vascular Roadmap at Surgery Evens out Surgeons' Expectations on Operating Time, Blood Loss, Lymph Nodes Harvest and Operative Difficulty when Performing Right Colectomy with Extended D3 Mesenterectomy. Chirurgia. 2022;117(5):579-84.
  60. Myrelid P, Marti-Gallostra M, Ashraf S, Sunde ML, Tholin M, Øresland T, et al. Complications in surgery for Crohn's disease after preoperative antitumour necrosis factor therapy. British Journal of Surgery. 2014;101(5):539-45.
  61. Myrelid P, Øresland T. A reappraisal of the ileo-rectal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis. Journal - Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada. 2015;9(6):433-8.
  62. Nedrebø BSO, Søreide K, Eriksen MT, Kvaløy JT, Søreide JA, Kørner H. Excess mortality after curative surgery for colorectal cancer changes over time and differs for patients with colon versus rectal cancer. Acta Oncologica. 2013;52(5):933-40.
  63. Nedrebø BSO, Søreide K, Nesbakken A, Eriksen MT, Søreide JA, Kørner H. Risk factors associated with poor lymph node harvest after colon cancer surgery in a national cohort. Colorectal Disease. 2013;15(6):E301-E8.
  64. Næsgaard JM, Stimec BV, Bakka AO, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D. Navigating the mesentery: A comparative pre- and per-operative visualization of the vascular anatomy. Colorectal Disease. 2015;17(9):810-8.
  65. Næsgaard JM, Stimec BV, Bakka AO, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D. Navigating the mesentery: Part II. Vascular abnormalities and a review of the literature. Colorectal Disease. 2017;19(7):656-66.
  66. Næsgaard JM, Stimec BV, Bakka AO, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D, Bergamaschi R. Right Colectomy with Extended D3 Mesenterectomy: Anterior and Posterior to the Mesenteric Vessels. Surgical technology international. 2019;35:138-42.
  67. Næsgaard JM, Stimec BV, Edwin B, Bakka AO, Ignjatovic D. CT and operative images for evaluation of right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy anterior and posterior to the mesenteric vessels. European Surgery. 2019;52:29-36.
  68. Næsgaard JM, Stimec BV, Soulie P, Edwin B, Bakka AO, Ignjatovic D. Defining minimal clearances for adequate lymphatic resection relevant to right colectomy for cancer: a post-mortem study. Surgical Endoscopy. 2018;32(9):3806-12.
  69. Ommundsen N, Nesbakken A, Wyller TB, Skovlund E, Bakka AO, Jordhøy MS, Rostoft S. Post-discharge complications in frail older patients after surgery for colorectal cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2018;44(10):1542-7.
  70. Ommundsen N, Wyller TB, Nesbakken A, Bakka AO, Jordhøy MS, Skovlund E, Rostoft S. Preoperative geriatric assessment and tailored interventions in frail older patients with colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled trial. Colorectal Disease. 2018;20(1):16-25.
  71. Rashidi M, Røkke O. Prospective evaluation of the cause of acute pancreatitis, with special attention to medicines. World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG). 2016;22(6):2104-10.
  72. Reif de Paul T, Augestad KM, Keller DS, Kiran R. Management of the positive pathologic circumferential resection margin in rectal cancer: A national cancer database (NCDB) study. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2020.
  73. Reuter A, Rogge L, Monahan M, Kachapila M, Morton DG, Davies JI, et al. Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis. British Journal of Surgery. 2022;109(10):995-1003.
  74. Rønning B, Wyller TB, Jordhøy MS, Nesbakken A, Bakka AO, Seljeflot I, Kristjansson SR. Frailty indicators and functional status in older patients after colorectal cancer surgery. Journal of Geriatric Oncology. 2014;5(1):26-32.
  75. Rønning B, Wyller TB, Nesbakken A, Skovlund E, Jordhøy MS, Bakka AO, Kristjansson SR. Quality of life in older and frail patients after surgery for colorectal cancer-A follow-up study. Journal of Geriatric Oncology. 2016;7(3):195-200.
  76. Sahakyan M, Edwin B, Kazaryan AM, Barkhatov L, Buanes T, Ignjatovic D, et al. Perioperative outcomes and survival in elderly patients undergoing laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences. 2017;24(1):42-8.
  77. Sahakyan M, Haugvik S-P, Røsok BI, Kazaryan AM, Ignjatovic D, Buanes T, et al. Can standardized pathology examination increase the lymph node yield following laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for ductal adenocarcinoma? HPB. 2018;20(2):175-81.
  78. Sahakyan M, Kazaryan AM, Pomianowska E, Abildgaard A, Line PD, Bjørnbeth BA, et al. Laparoscopic Resection of Recurrence from Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Liver Transplantation: Case Reports and Review of the Literature. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine. 2016:5.
  79. Sahakyan M, Kazaryan AM, Rawashdeh M, Fuks D, Shmavonyan M, Haugvik S-P, et al. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: results of a multicenter cohort study on 196 patients. Surgical Endoscopy. 2015:1-10.
  80. Sahakyan M, Kim SC, Kleive D, Kazaryan AM, Song KB, Ignjatovic D, et al. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Long-term oncologic outcomes after standard resection. Surgery. 2017;162(4):802-11.
  81. Sahakyan M, Kleive D, Kazaryan AM, Aghayan D, Ignjatovic D, Labori KJ, et al. Extended laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for adenocarcinoma in the body and tail of the pancreas: a single-center experience. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. 2018:1-8.
  82. Sahakyan M, Røsok BI, Kazaryan AM, Barkhatov L, Haugvik S-P, Fretland ÅA, et al. Role of laparoscopic enucleation in the treatment of pancreatic lesions: case series and case-matched analysis. Surgical Endoscopy. 2016;Published ahead of print:1-7.
  83. Sahakyan M, Røsok BI, Kazaryan AM, Barkhatov L, Lai X, Kleive D, et al. Impact of obesity on surgical outcomes of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: A Norwegian single-center study. Surgery. 2016;160(5):1271-8.
  84. Sahakyan M, Røsok BI, Tholfsen T, Kleive D, Waage A, Ignjatovic D, et al. Implementation and training with laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: 23-year experience from a high-volume center. Surgical Endoscopy. 2021:1-12.
  85. Sahakyan MA, Verbeke CS, Tholfsen T, Ignjatovic D, Kleive D, Buanes T, et al. Prognostic Impact of Resection Margin Status in Distal Pancreatectomy for Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2021;29:366-75.
  86. Sahli H, Azhar N, Lydrup M-L, Jörgren F, Schultz JK, Buchwald P. Risk factors for recurrence and complications in acute uncomplicated diverticulitis: A retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Surgery Open. 2022;43:5.
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  89. Schultz JK, Yaqub S, Wallon C, Blecic L, Forsmo HM, Folkesson J, et al. Laparoscopic lavage vs primary resection for acute perforated diverticulitis: The SCANDIV randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 2015;314(13):1364-75.
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  92. Shafique M, Yaqub S, Lie ES, Dahl V, Olsbø FA, Røkke O. New and Safe Treatment of Food Impacted in the Esophagus: A Single Center Experience of 100 Consecutive Cases. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2013:4.
  93. Shanmugarajah I, Solhaug M, Aslam O, Reiertsen O. Efficacy and safety assessment of ERCP in patients with malignant biliary obstruction. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica. 2017;80(4):487-91.
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  96. Singh BG, Stimec BV, Andersen SN, Færden AE, Edwin BvG, Baral J, et al. Comparing 5-Year Survival Rates Before and After Re-stratification of Stage I–III Right-Sided Colon Cancer Patients by Establishing the Presence/Absence of Occult Tumor Cells and Lymph Node Metastases in the Different Levels of Surgical Dissection. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2022;26(10):2201-11.
  97. Singh BG, Stimec BV, Andersen SN, Færden AE, Edwin BvG, Baral J, et al. Interactions of occult tumor spread and surgical technique on overall and disease-free survival in patients operated for stage I and II right-sided colon cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2021;147(12):3535-43.
  98. Skyrud KD, Helgeland J, Lindahl AK, Augestad KM. Abdominal surgical trajectories associated with failure to rescue. A nationwide analysis. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2022;34(4):7.
  99. Spasojevic M, Næsgaard JM, Ignjatovic D. Perforated midgut diverticulitis: Revisited. World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG). 2012;18(34):4714-20.
  100. Spasojevic M, Stimec BV, Dyrbekk AP, Tepavcevic Z, Edwin B, Bakka AO, Ignjatovic D. Lymph Node Distribution in the D3 Area of the Right Mesocolon: Implications for an Anatomically Correct Cancer Resection. A Postmortem Study. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 2013;56(12):1381-7.
  101. Stimec BV, Andersen BT, Benz SR, Fasel JHD, Augestad KM, Ignjatovic D. Retromesenteric course of the middle colic artery?challenges and pitfalls in D3 right colectomy for cancer. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2018;33(6):771-7.
  102. Stimec BV, Ignjatovic D. Navigating the mesentery: Part III. Unusual anatomy of ileocolic vessels. Colorectal Disease. 2020;22(12):1949-57.
  103. Stimec BV, Ignjatovic D. Visible Lymph Affluents in the D3 Volume: An MDCTA Pictorial Essay. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022;12(10):9.
  104. Stimec BV, Ignjatovic D, Lobrinus JA. Establishing correlations between normal pancreatic and submandibular gland ducts. BMC Gastroenterology. 2022;22(1):8.
  105. Stimec BV, Rakocevic Z, Ignjatovic D, Fasel JHD. Planimetric correlation between the submandibular glands and the pancreas: a postmortem ductographic study. Anatomical Science International. 2016;93(1):114-8.
  106. Sunde ML, Negård A, Øresland T, Bakka N, Geitung JT, Færden AE. MRI defecography of the ileal pouch-anal anastomosis?contributes little to the understanding of functional outcome. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2018;33(5):609-17.
  107. Sunde ML, Ricanek P, Øresland T, Jahnsen J, Naimy N, Færden AE. Determinants of optimal bowel function in ileal pouch-anal-anastomosis - physiological differences contributing to pouch function. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2018;53(1):8-14.
  108. Sunde ML, Øresland T, Færden AE. Correlation between pouch function and sexual function in patients with IPAA. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016;51(3):295-303.
  109. Sunde ML, Øresland T, Færden AE. Restorative proctocolectomy with two different pouch designs: few complications with good function. Colorectal Disease. 2017;19(4):363-71.
  110. Sylla P, Knol JJ, D’Andrea AP, Perez RO, Atallah SB, Penna M, et al. Urethral Injury and Other Urologic Injuries During Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision: An International Collaborative Study. Annals of Surgery. 2019:10.
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  112. Thorsen Y, Stimec BV, Lindstrom JC, Oresland T, Ignjatovic D. Stool dynamics after extrinsic nerve injury during right colectomy with extended D3-mesenterectomy. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;56(7):770-6.
  113. Thorsen Y, Stimec BV, Lindstrøm JC, Næsgaard JM, Øresland T, Ignjatovic D. Bowel Motility After Injury to the Superior Mesenteric Plexus During D3 Extended Mesenterectomy. Journal of Surgical Research. 2019;239:115-24.
  114. Thorsen Y, Stimec BV, Næsgaard JM, Ignjatovic D. Detecting the Non-physiological, Surgically Tailored Ileocolic Anastomosis Using the Wireless Motility Capsule. A Pre- and Post-operative, Prospective, Within Subject Trial. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2017;23(4):585-91.
  115. Tofft L, Hoel AT, Håkansson C, Zawadzki A, Gjone IH, Øresland T, et al. Key components of successful transition for adolescents born with anorectal malformations-a Nordic focus group study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2020:1-8.
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  119. Willard C-D, Kjæstad E, Stimec BV, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D. Preoperative anatomical road mapping reduces variability of operating time, estimated blood loss, and lymph node yield in right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy for cancer. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2018:1-10.
  120. Yaqub S, Shafique M, Kjæstad E, Thorsen Y, Lie ES, Dahl V, et al. A safe treatment option for esophageal bezoars. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports (IJSCR). 2012;3(8):366-7.
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  124. Øresland T, Færden AE. Surgery in the age of biological treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2015;50(1):121-7.

The Multidisciplinary Research Group in Surgical Oncology fosters collaboration among varied expertise. By combining surgeons, researchers, engineers, statisticians, epidemiologists, and other experts, we predict an environment where surgical patient outcomes improve, and innovative approaches develop. 

We aim to improve cancer patients' lives via innovative research, surgery, and comprehensive treatment. We are committed to leading the effort against cancer by pushing surgical oncology to improve patient care and advance surgery. This initiative aspires to transform the landscape of cancer care through a comprehensive exploration of five distinct research areas: palliative surgery, perioperative care, robotic surgery, surgical innovation, and tumor biology.  

Palliative Surgery

This division of our research group improves advanced cancer patients' lives. We explore new surgical methods to relieve symptoms and increase patient comfort. Our goal is to set new palliative surgery standards for optimal patient outcomes. 

Perioperative Care

Perioperative care, prehabilitation, and improved recovery are emerging surgical oncology approaches that emphasize mental and physical preparation for surgery. We explore individualized prehabilitation programs to improve patients' physical and mental health, reduce surgical complications, and improve recovery and long-term outcomes. 

Robotic Surgery

Our group uses robotics to advance minimally invasive surgery. We research robotic-assisted surgery for different cancers to decrease invasiveness, shorten hospital stays, and improve patient recovery. By using cutting-edge robotic surgery, we aim to improve patients' quality of life, reduce costs and complications, and reduce hospital length of stay. 

Surgical Innovation

Innovation drives surgical oncology's growth. We promote innovative thinking and work with engineers, statisticians, and other professionals to develop new surgical tools, procedures, and approaches. We want to transform surgical oncology. 

Tumor Biology

Oncology choices need a solid grasp of tumor biology. Our research group investigates the molecular causes of various cancers and analyzes large-scale epidemiological data to find patterns and trends. We strive to inform cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. 

Knut Magne Augestad MD, PhD 



Knut Magne Augestad (group leader)

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Associate Professor and Consultant Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Field of expertise: Gastrointestinal Surgery
Research Profile (med.uio.no)

Jose Bravo

Academic degree: MD
Position: PhD candidate and Surgical resident
Field of expertise: Colorectal cancer

Ingeborg Steinholt 

Academic degree: MD
Position: PhD candidate and surgeon in training
Field of expertise: Gastrointestinal Surgery
Research Profile (med.uio.no)

Khayam Butt 

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Gastrointestinal Surgery 

Rolf Riis 

Academic degree: MD
Position: Consultant surgeon
Field of expertise: Gastrointestinal Surgery 

Jesper Ravn 

Academic degree: MSc, RN
Position: Researcher
Field of expertise: Artificial intelligence, statistics 

Erland Rønning 

Academic degree: MSc
osition: Researcher
Field of expertise: Artificial intelligence, statistics 

Arian Ranjbar 

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Researcher, Postdoc
Field of expertise: Artificial intelligence, statistics   

Sebastian Meltzer 

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Postdoc and Oncologist
Field of expertise: Oncology, Tumor biology 

Jarle Bruun 

Academic degree: MsC, PhD
Position: Researcher and CEO of Oncosyne
Field of expertise: Tumor biology 

Olav Magnus Fredheim 

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Professor in Palliative Medicine
Field of expertise: Anesthesiology, Palliative medicine
Research Profile (med.uio.no)

Eva Kristin Gravdahl Norum 

Academic degree: MD
Position: PhD candidate and Consultant in palliative medicine
Field of expertise: Palliative medicine 

Linn Bernklev 

Academic degree: MD
Position: PhD candidate and Consultant gastroenterologist
Field of expertise: Gastroenterology 

Stephan Brackman 

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Consultant and associate professor
Field of expertise: Gastroenterology 

Stig Müller 

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Associate professor and Consultant Urologist
Field of expertise: Urology
Research Profile (med.uio.no)

Kirsti Aas 

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Associate professor and Consultant Urologist
Field of expertise: Urology 

Juha Silvola 

Academic degree: Professor
Position: Head of Research Surgical Division, Professor and Consultant ENT
Field of expertise: Ear
Research Profile (med.uio.no)

Merete Helgeland 

Position: Research coordinator
Field of expertise: Clinical trials management

  • The SCAR trial. Surgery versus Endoscopic Resection for Incompletely Removed Early Colon CAnceR– a randomized controlled trial. PI: Michael Bretthauer and Linn Bernklev.

  • The TargetCRC Study: A Predictive Functional Assessment for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. PI: Sebastian Meltzer.

  • The SIM-study: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Subcutaneous Versus Intravenous Morphine When Switching from Oral to Parenteral Route in Palliative Cancer Patients. PI: Olav Magnus Fredheim and Eva Gravdahl Norum. 

  • Akershus Clinical Trial (ACT) 2: Single-center, Pseudo-randomized Trial to Assess Whether Prehabilitation Improves Outcome in Patients Surgically Treated for Colorectal Cancer. PI: Knut Magne Augestad.

  • PROGRESS – Functional PRecision Oncology: Generating Optimal Circumferential RESection Margins (CRM) in Rectal Cancer Surgery. PI: Knut Magne Augestad. 

  • The Nomogram Project. Development of a risk calculator to predict local pelvic recurrence and disease-free survival. PI: Knut Magne Augestad. PhD: Jose Bravo. 
  • Age-Related Risk of Colorectal Cancer After an Episode of Appendicitis (AA-CC). A Nationwide Analyses. PI Knut Magne Augestad and Ingeborg Steinholt. 
  • Symptoms, treatment and outcome of malignant bowel obstruction. A retrospective review. PI: Olav Magnus Fredheim and Eva Kristin Norum Gravdahl.
  • AI in early detection of colorectal cancer. PI: Jesper Ravn, Arian Ranjbar 
  • Implementation of new surgical methods to treat rectal cancer. A comparison of open, laparoscopic, and robotic surgery. PI: Rolf Riis. 
  • Robotic surgery at Akershus University Hospital. Cost effectiveness and resource use. PI: Stig Muller. 
  • Using AI to optimize cancer surgery: PI: Amin Adami (University of Toronto) and Knut Magne Augestad.

  • Augestad KM, Vonen B, Aspevik R, Nestvold T, Ringberg U, Johnsen R, Norum J, Lindsetmo RO. Should the surgeon or the general practitioner (GP) follow up patients after surgery for colon cancer? A randomized controlled trial protocol focusing on quality of life, cost-effectiveness and serious clinical events. BMC Health Services Research. 2008 Jun 25; 8:137. 
  • Leblanc F, Champagne BJ, Augestad KM, Stein SL, Mardenstein E, Reynolds HL Jr, Delaney CP. Single incision laparoscopic colectomy: technical aspects, feasibility and expected benefits. Diagnostic Therapy and Endoscopy. 2010; 2010:913216. 
  • Augestad KM, Delaney CP. Postoperative ileus. Impact of pharmacological treatment, laparoscopic surgery and enhanced recovery pathways.  Invited Editorial. World Journal Gastroenterol 2010; 16(17): 2067-2074. 
  • Augestad KM, Lindsetmo Rolv-Ole, Stulberg Jonah, Senagore Anthony, Champagne Brad, Heriot Alexander G, Leblanc Fabien, Reynolds Harry, Delaney Conor P, International Rectal Cancer Study Group.  International preoperative rectal cancer management: staging, neoadjuvant treatment and impact of multidisciplinary teams. World Journal Surgery. 2010; 34(11): 2689-700. 
  • Augestad Knut M, Lindsetmo Rolv-Ole, Stulberg Jonah, Senagore Anthony, Champagne Brad, Heriot Alexander G, Leblanc Fabien, Reynolds Harry, Delaney Conor P, International Rectal Cancer Study Group.  International trends of operative treatment of rectal cancer. American Journal Surgery. 2011 Mar; 2011(3): 353-7; discussion 357-8. 
  • Augestad KM, Leblanc F, Delaney CP. Role of pharmacologic treatment of postoperative ileus. Seminars in Colon & Rectal Surgery. Volume 21, Issue 3. September 2010; 153-159. 
  • KM, Lindsetmo RO, Norum J, Vonen B et al. Cost-effectiveness and quality of life in general practitioner versus surgeon-organised follow-up after curative colon cancer resection. A randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2013: 3(4). 
  • Park, K, Keller D, Augestad KM, Delaney CP. Integration of Open and Laparoscopic Approaches for Rectal Cancer Resections. Surgical Endoscoscopy. 2014 Jul;28(7):2129-36.  
  • Augestad KM, Norum J, Rose J, Lindsetmo RO. A Prospective Analysis of False Positive Events in a National Colon Cancer Surveillance Program. BMC Health Services Research. 2014 Mar 27;14:137.  
  • Augestad KM, Rose J, Bakaki P, Kirokian S, Delaney CP.  Metastatic spread pattern after curative colorectal cancer surgery. A retrospective, longitudinal analysis. Cancer Epidemiology 2015 Aug 12: 1877-7821(15)00161-7.  
  • Crawshaw B, Augestad KM, Keller, Swendsiad B, Nobel T, Champagne B, Stein S, Delaney CP, Reynolds H. Multivisceral resections for advanced rectal cancer. Outcomes and experience at a single institution. American Journal of Surgery. 2014 Dec 17.  
  • Crawshaw B, Chien H, Augestad KM, Delaney CP. Impact of minimally invasive surgery on healthcare utilization and cost in patients undergoing colorectal procedures. JAMA Surgery. 2015 May;150(5):410-5. 
  • Augestad KM, Merok MA, Ignatovic D. Tailored Treatment of Colorectal Surgery. Anatomical, Surgical and Genetic Considerations. Invited Review. Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology 2017. 
  • Crawshaw BP, Keller DS, Brady JT, Augestad KM, Schiltz NK, Chandra Pillai AL, Koroukian SM, Navale SM, Steele SR, Delaney C.  Validation of the HARM scores, a reliable and simple tool to measure quality and outcomes in gastrointestinal surgery.  American Journal of Surgery 2017. 
  • Stimec B, Andersen BT, Benz SR, Fasel JH, Augestad KM, Ignjatovic D. Retromesenteric course of the middle colic artery. Challenges and pitfalls in D3 right colectomy for cancer. Sugical Endoscopy 2017. 
  • Augestad KM, Keller DS, Bakaki PM, Rose J, Koroukian SM, Øresland T, Delaney CP. The impact of rectal cancer tumor height on recurrence rates and metastatic location: A competing risk analysis of a national database. Cancer Epidemiol. 2018 Apr; 53:56-64. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2018.01.009. Epub 2018 Feb 4. PMID: 29414633  
  • Brady J, Bona K, Hohman SF, Crawshaw B, Leinicke JA, Steele SR, Augestad KM, Delaney CP. Application of a Simple, Affordable Quality Metric Tool to Colorectal, Upper Gastrointestinal, Hernia and Hepatobiliary Surgery Patients: The HARM Score.  Surg Endosc 2017 Dec 27.  
  • GlobalSurg Collaborative (Augestad et al). Global variation in anastomosis and end colostomy formation following left-sided colorectal resection.  BJS Open. 2019 Feb 28;3(3):403-414.  
  • Helgeland J, Skyrud K, Lindahl AK, Keller D, Augestad KM. Benchmarking of abdominal surgery: a study evaluating the HARM score in a European national cohort. BJS Open. 2020 Apr 21;4(4):637-44.  
  • COVIDSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Elective surgery cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic: global predictive modelling to inform surgical recovery plans.  Br J Surg. 2020 May  
  • EuroSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Management of COMPlicAted intra-abdominal collectionS after colorectal Surgery (COMPASS): protocol for a multicentre, observational, prospective international study of drain placement practices in colorectal surgery.  Colorectal Dis. 2020 Jul 27. doi: 10.1111/codi.15275.  
  • de Paul TR, Augestad KM, Kiran RP, Keller DS. Management of the positive pathologic circumferential resection margin in rectal cancer: A national cancer database (NCDB) study.   Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020 Aug 1: S0748-7983(20)30660-0.  
  • Syltern J, Jørgensen G, Norstein J, Augestad KM. Fracture and embolization of an implantable venous access device in patient with atrial septal defect.  J Surg Case Rep. 2020 Dec 31;2020(12).  
  • COVIDSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jan 1;39(1):66-78.  
  • COVIDSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Nov;22(11):1507-1517.  
  • COVIDSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Global wealth disparities drive adherence to COVID-safe pathways in head and neck cancer surgery. BJS Open. 2021 Nov 9;5(6)  
  • EuroSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Intraperitoneal drain placement and outcomes after elective colorectal surgery: international matched, prospective, cohort study. Br J Surg. 2022 Mar 30:znac069.  
  • COVIDSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jan 1;39(1):66-78.  
  • Banipal GS, Stimec BV, Andersen SN, Faerden AE, Edwin B, Baral J, Nesgaard JM, Benth JŠ, Ignjatovic D; R. C. C. study group (Augestad KM). Comparing 5-Year Survival Rates Before and After Re-stratification of Stage I-III Right-Sided Colon Cancer Patients by Establishing the Presence/Absence of Occult Tumor Cells and Lymph Node Metastases in the Different Levels of Surgical Dissection. J Gastrointest Surg. 2022 Oct;26(10):2201-2211.  
  • Skyrud K, Lindahl AK, Helgeland J, Augestad KM. Abdominal surgical trajectories associated with failure to rescue. Int J Qual Health Care. 2022 Nov 17;34(4). 
  • NIHR Global Health Unit on Global Surgery; COVIDSurg Collaborative (Augestad KM). Elective surgery system strengthening, development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries. The Lancet. 2022 Nov 5;400(10363):1607-1617. 
  • Schultz J, Augestad KM, Saltyte-Benth J. Surgical Site Infections. Does one glove fit all? The Lancet 2023 May 6;401(10387):1496.  
  • Riis RN, Riis M, Saltyte Benth J, Augestad KM. Beyond the TaTME moratorium. Local and Distant Recurrence among Patients Operated for Low Rectal Cancers. A Five-Year Follow-up Survey from a Norwegian University Hospital.  Br J Surg. 2023 Oct 10;110(11):1547-1548. 
  • Augestad KM, Skyrud K, Lindahl AK, Helgeland J. Hospital and ICU Characteristics Association with Failure to Rescue. A Nationwide Longitudinal Survey. BMJ Open November 2023. 
  • Gravdahl E, Steine S, Augestad KM, Fredheim OM.  Use and safety of peripherally inserted central catheters and midline catheters in palliative care cancer patients: a retrospective review. Support Care Cancer. 2023 Sep 19;31(10):580.
  • EuroSurg Collaborative, (Augestad KM). Safety and efficacy of intraperitoneal drain placement after emergency colorectal surgery: An international, prospective cohort study. Colorectal Dis. 2023 Oct;25(10):2043-2053. 

The Palliative Research Group is led by department head/professor/senior consultant Olav Magnus S. Fredheim. Olav Fredheim served as a senior consultant in the Department of Palliative Medicine from 2014 to 2020 and has been the department head since 2021. During the period of 2013-2023, he held the position of professor of anesthesiology/pain medicine at NTNU, and since 2023, he has been a professor of palliative medicine at UiO. In December 2020, Olav Fredheim was awarded a career grant of 9 million Norwegian kroner from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority to establish the research group. These funds are allocated over an eight year period and constitute the primary source of funding for the group.

Most of the activity in the research group falls within the group's three priority areas:

  • Clinical Pain Research
  • Medical Ethics at the End of Life
    • Palliative Sedation
    • Normative Ethical Analysis of Ethical Issues at the End of Life
    • Overtreatment
  • Quality and Patient Safety
    • Studies of Patient Pathways/Disease Trajectories, including Overtreatment
    • Relational Aspects of Home Death
    • Global Trigger Tool and Measurement of Patient Harm in Palliative Care

In addition, Olav Fredheim is involved in research projects in pharmacoepidemiology, with a particular focus on appropriate versus harmful use of potent analgesic medications (opioids).

Olav Magnus S. Fredheim, professor and group leader

Email: Olav.Magnus.Sondena.Fredheim@ahus.no

Olav Magnus S. Fredheim

Academic degree: MD, PhD, MBA
Position: Professor and Research group leader
Field of expertice: Anesthesiology/pain medicine, Palliative medicine, Pharmacoepidemiology

Eva Gravdahl 

Academic degree: MD
Position: Senior consultant and PhD candidate
Field of expertise: Palliative medicine, clinical trials

Solveig Torvund

Academic degree: MD
Position: Senior consultant and PhD candidate
Field of expertise: Palliative medicine, qualitative methods

Kathrine Brenne

Academic degree: MSHS
Position: Oncology Nurse and Clinical Nurse
Field of expertise: Oncology, palliative care, qualitative methods

Espen Klingenberg

Academic degree: BS
Position: Oncology Nurse, Study Nurse, and master's student
Field of expertise: Oncology, palliative care, clinical trials/data management

Henriette Johansen

Academic degree: MD
Position: Senior Consultant
Field of expertise: Neurology, Palliative medicine

Torstein Michelet

Academic degree: MD
Position: Section Leader and Senior Consultant
Field of expertise: Palliative medicine

Hans van der Werff

Academic degree: MD
Position: Senior Consultant
Field of expertise: Palliative medicine

Maria Clausen

Academic degree: MD
Position: Senior Consultant
Field of expertise: Palliative medicine

Tonje Sandblost

Academic degree: MD
Position: Senior Consultant
Field of expertise: Oncology, Palliative medicine

Internal at Ahus

  • Knut Magne Augestad
  • Trygve Holmøy
  • Ola Nakken
  • Linn Engeset Austdal
  • Jūratė Šaltytė Benth

External Collaborators

  • Morten Magelssen - UiO
  • Lisbeth Thoresen - UiO
  • Ørnulf Paulsen - Telemark Hospital / UiO
  • Dagny Haugen - UiB / Helse Bergen
  • Svetlana Skurtveit - UiO / FHI

The SIM study

A randomized clinical trial comparing subcutaneous and intravenous route of administration of morphine from an infusion pump in palliative cancer patients. The project includes both patient-reported outcomes and pharmacokinetics. The study is initiated by the research group and is conducted as a single site study at Ahus.



Arandomized clinical trial evaluating the analgesic effects of paracetamol in cancer patients who regularly use paracetamol together with morphine tablets or equivalent. The project is a multicenter study originating from Telemark Hospital and Oslo University Hospital. Ahus is one of several centers involved in patient recruitment.

  1. Birke H, Ekholm O, Sjøgren P, Fredheim OM, Clausen T, Skurtveit S. Tramadol use in Norway: A register-based population study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2019;28(1):54-61.
  2. Fredheim OM, Materstvedt LJ, Skulberg IM, Magelssen M. Ought the level of sedation to be reduced during deep palliative sedation? A clinical and ethical analysis. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2021.
  3. Fredheim OM, Skulberg IM, Magelssen M, Steine S. Clinical and ethical aspects of palliative sedation with propofol—A retrospective quantitative and qualitative study. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2020:1319-26.
  4. Fredheim OM, Skurtveit S, Borchgrevink PC. Utlevering av analgetika til barn f?r og etter nye anbefalinger om kodein. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. 2017;137(12).
  5. Fredheim OM, Skurtveit S, Handal M, Hjellvik V. A complete national cohort study of prescriptions of analgesics and benzodiazepines to cancer survivors in Norway 10 years after diagnosis. Pain. 2019;160(4):852-9.
  6. Fredheim OM, Skurtveit S, Loge JH, Sjøgren P, Handal M, Hjellvik V. Prescription of analgesics to long-term survivors of cancer in early adulthood, adolescence and childhood in Norway: a national cohort study. Pain. 2020;161(5):1083-91.
  7. Fredheim OM, Skurtveit SO, Sjøgren P, Aljabri MB, Hjellvik V. Prescriptions of analgesics during chronic cancer disease trajectories: A complete national cohort study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021;30(11):1504-13.
  8. Gustad KE, Askjer Å, Nortvedt P, Fredheim OM, Magelssen M. Refractory suffering at the end of life and the assisted dying debate: An interview study with palliative care nurses and doctors. Clinical Ethics. 2020:0.
  9. Hamina A, Handal M, Fredheim O, Clausen T, Chen L-C, Skurtveit SO. Filled prescriptions for opioids among children and adolescents – A nationwide study from 2010 to 2018. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2021;65(10):1475-83.
  10. Holmberg ST, Fredheim OM, Skurtveit SO, Salvesen Ø, Nygaard ØP, Gulati AM, et al. Persistent Use of Prescription Opioids Following Lumbar Spine Surgery: Observational Study with Prospectively Collected Data from Two Norwegian Nationwide Registries. Spine. 2021;47(8):607-14.
  11. Holmberg ST, Salvesen Ø, Vangen-Lønne V, Hara S, Fredheim OM, Solberg T, et al. Pain During Sex Before and After Surgery for Lumbar Disc Herniation - A Multicenter Observational Study. Spine. 2020.
  12. Nøstdal T, Bernklev T, Fredheim OM, Paddison JS, Ræder J. Defining the cut-off point of clinically significant postoperative fatigue in three common fatigue scales. Quality of Life Research. 2018:13.
  13. Nøstdal T, Fredheim OM, Bernklev T, Doksrød TS, Mohus RM, Ræder J. A randomised controlled trial of propofol vs. thiopentone and desflurane for fatigue after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Anaesthesia. 2017;72(7):864-9.
  14. Werff HFLvd, Michelet TH, Fredheim OM, Steine S. “Do not resuscitate” order and end-of-life treatment in a cohort of deceased in a Norwegian University Hospital. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2022;66(8):1009-15.

Publications from the research group (PubMed.gov)


The Pelvic Floor Centre is a multidisciplinary group established in 2008 and is a competence center with interdisciplinary expertise specifically tailored for patients experiencing challenging pelvic floor dysfunctions.

The center operates on a well-developed, organized collaboration between various specialties (gynecologists, urologists, gastrointestinal surgeons, radiologists, pain specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, highly skilled specialized nurses, and social workers), who assess and treat patients falling within this category.

 The centre (established in 2018) has an active pelvic floor research group and a strong research collaboration across these departments.

The main goals are to promote multidisciplinary research and develop innovative methods and cutting-edge strategies within the field of pelvic floor dysfunction.

During 2020-2023 the center has initiated and established two internal electronic clinical quality registers for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. These registers generate yearly reports and numerous publications.

Catherine Joyce Teig, Research Group Leader 

Mail: Catherine.Annette.Joyce.Teig@ahus.no

Catherine Joyce Teig

Academic degree: RN, PhD
Position: Head of the Pelvic Floor Center and Research group Leader.
Field of expertise: PROMs research and pelvic floor dysfunction
Stoma and Continence Nurse 

Anne Grethe Paulsen 

Position: Consultant
Field of expertice: Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Njål Bakka

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Imaging Diagnostics Center

Kari Bø            

Academic degree: PhD.
Position: Professor, Norwegian School of Sports Science
Field of expertise: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Pelvic Floor Training

Marie Ellstrøm Engh  

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Associate Professor
Field of expertise: Pelvic floor prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction

Ha Tuyet Mai 

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Franziska Siafarikas  

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Associate Professor
Field of expertise: Pelvic floor ultrasound, childbirth related pelvic floor injuries and pelvic floor dysfunction

Kristin Haukeland      

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Dept. of Neurology

Lisa Dybvik     

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Specialist in anaesthesiology

Trine Standal  

Position: Nurse
Field of expertise: Stoma and Continence nurse

Anita Lindam  

Academic degree: MSc
Field of expertise: Stoma, Incontinence and defecations problems
Stoma and Continence Nurse

Ingeborg Hoff Brækken        
Academic degree: PhD
Position: Associate Professor, physiotherapist, manual therapist
Field of expertise: Pelvic floor prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic girdle pain, back pain, anorectal dysfunction.

Anja Løvvik    

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Specialist in urology

Memona Majida        

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Pelvic floor prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction and specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Nazir Naimy   

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Proctology and pelvic floor dysfunction and specialist in gastroenterological surgery 

Anne Negård  

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Imaging Diagnostics Center

Tom Øresland 

Academic degree: PhD.
Position: Professor emeritus
Field of expertise: Pelvic floor dysfunction, proctology and IBD 1. med., specialist in colorectal surgery

Danuta Polak  

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: specialist in anaesthesiology

Kjersti Rimstad          

Academic degree: PhD candidate
Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction and specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Merete Kolberg         

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Associate professor
Field of expertise: Physiotherapist

Yngve Thorsen           

Academic degree: PhD
Field of expertise: Proctology and pelvic floor dysfunction
Consultant, specialist in gastroenterological surgery 

Pernille Schjønsby     

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology

Marianne Merok       

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Proctology and pelvic floor dysfunction and specialist in gastroenterological surgery 

Randi Gjessing           

Academic degree: RN
Position: Oncology nurse and sexologist
Field of expertise: Oncology and sexologist

Hilde Gregussen        

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Proctology and pelvic floor dysfunction and specialist in gastroenterological surgery 

Ingrid Næss    

Academic degree: MSc
Position: Physiotherapist
Field of expertise: Pelvic floor dysfunction

Jette Stær-Jensen      

Academic degree: PhD
Field of expertise: Pregnancy and the pelvic floor function
Consultant, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology

Thomas Heggelund   

Position: Consultant
Field of expertise: Specialist in gastroenterological surgery 

Stig Müller     

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Senior consultant and Associate Professor
Field of expertise: Specialist in urology

Johannes Kurt Schultz           

Academic degree: PhD
Position: Senior Consultant and Associate professor
Field of expertise: Proctology, pelvic floor dysfunction and specialist in gastroenterological surgery 

Anne Sofie M. Paus   

Position: Doctor, Research assistant for the Pelvic Floor Center

Vilde Cathrine Nesse  

Academic degree: MSc
Position: Physiotherapist and research coordinator 

Tove Villum       

Position: Physiotherapist

Ingrid Faller         

Position: Stoma- and Continence Nurse

Kari A. Askestad

Field of expertise: Urotherapist

Rigmor Løkken Lund  

Field of expertise: Urotherapist

Emma Kristine Amory

Position: Clinical Nutrition physiologist

Nina K. Eriksen          

Position: Social Worker

Gunn L. Vestreng       

Position: Social Worker


  • Member of the Norwegian National Registry for Anal Incontinence (NRA).Teig CJ, Øresland T, Lindam A, Naimy N.
  • Member of the Norwegian Research Network Group for Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions.Teig CJ, Engh ME.
  • Member of the PromiNet Committee.Teig CJ.

Medical distance follow-up for patients with anal incontinence during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ahus

  • Internal Funding              
  • 90.000 NOK


E-learning program for women with pelvic organ prolapse          

  • Extra Stiftelsen  
  • 160.000 NOK

  • Strength exercise with electrical stimulation for women with weak pelvic floor muscles. A randomized controlled trial
    • Project leader: Teig CJ
  • Pain management group at Akershus University Hospital for patients with pelvic complaints
    • Project leader: Teig CJ
  • Medical distance follow-up for patients with anal incontinence during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Project leader: Teig CJ
  • Validation of the electronic Patient Reported Outcome Measurement (PROM)  PDFI-20 and PFIQ-7
    • Teig CJ,  Helgeland, M, Paus S, Høien PRT, Engh ME
    • Project leader: Teig CJ  

  • Internal electronic quality register for patients with chronic obstipation, defecation problems and proctology
    • Project leader: Teig CJ
    • Teig CJ, Lindam L, Standal T, Faller I, Schultz J, Merok M, Gregersen H.
  • Internal electronic quality register for patients with Pelvic organ prolapse
    • Project leader: Teig CJ and Schjønsby P
    • Teig CJ, Rimstad K, Engh M, Schjønsby P, Årving I, Paulsen AG, Majida M

The team members involved in the Pelvic Floor Center have published more 20 publications in the last 5 years.

For more information concerning the publications, please visit the website www.cristin.no.

The publications and presentations detailed below are just a few of many articles and presentations published:

  • Internal Electronic quality register for women with abdominal prolapse (Descens Urogenitalis), Annual meeting of the Norwegian Gynecology Association, Tønsberg, October 2021.Teig CJ, Rimstad K, Engh M, Schjønsby P, Årving I, Anne Grete Paulsen, Memona Majida.
  • Medical distance follow-up for patients with anal incontinence during the COVID-19 pandemic. ¨Fag- og forskningsdagene¨ for the nursing service in the South-East health region, Ahus, Oslo, September 2021. Teig CJ, Lindam A, Standal T, Flaten K.
  • Reaching adulthood with Hirschsprung`s disease; Patient experiences and recommendations for transitional care.Hoel AT, Tofft L, Bjørnland K, Gjone IH,  Teig CJ, Øreland T, Stenstrom P, Andersen MH. 2020. Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
  • Bø K, Anglès-Acedo S, Batra A,Brækken IH, Chan YL, Jorge CH, Kruger J, Yadav M, Dumoulin C. Strenuous physical activity, exercise, and pelvic organ prolapse: a narrative scoping review. Int Urogynecol J (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-023-05450-3
  • Bø K, Anglès-Acedo S, Batra A, Brækken IH, Chan YL, Jorge CH, Kruger J, Yadav M, Dumoulin C.Are hypopressive and other exercise programs effective for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse? Int Urogynecol J, 2023 Jan;34(1):43-52. 1007/s00192-022-05407-y.
  • Bø K, Anglès-Acedo S, Batra A, Brækken IH, Chan YL, Jorge CH, Kruger J, Yadav M, Dumoulin C.International urogynecology consultation chapter 3 committee 2; conservative treatment of patient with pelvic organ prolapse: Pelvic floor muscle training.Int Urogynecol J. 2022 Aug 18. doi: 10.1007/s00192-022-05324-0. 
  • Brækken IH, Stuge B, Tveter AT, Bø K.Reliability, validity and responsiveness of pelvic floor muscle surface electromyography and manometry. Int Urogynecol J. 2021 Jun 17. doi: 10.1007/s00192-021-04881-0



The research group was established in late 2018. There is a great interest in research for quality and patient safety across the hospital, and the research group is therefore multidisciplinary. There are several ongoing projects, regarding surgical global trigger tool, effects of emergency outreach teams, quality indicators for surgery, health care professionals’ experiences with the Green cross method and learning from excellence for patient safety, quality indicators for surgery, patient experiences especially with surgical services, and patient safety in maternity wards in Ethiopia. Cooperation with researchers within Akershus University Hospital, University of Oslo, Oslo Metropolitan University and NTNU Gjøvik, as well as external partners, will develop further. The research group takes part in a national project in developing Global trigger tool as a national quality indicator.

The goal of the research group is to gain, increase and disseminate knowledge about methods for measuring and improving health care quality and patient safety, in particular in surgical environments.

Several recent publications and a seminar on surgical quality during the Surgical Week in the fall of 2022, with invited international speakers. Three PhD students are expected to finish their thesis during the next year or two.

Anne Karin Lindahl

Associate Professor II, and Group Leader
Email: Anne.Karin.Lindahl@ahus.no

Anne Karin Lindahl

Academic degree: MD, PhD, MHA
Position: Associate professor II, UiO, and Group Leader
Field of expertise: Quality indicators, quality improvement, patient safety, general and vascular surgery, registry research

Asbjørn Årøen

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Professor ll UiO
Field of expertise: orthopedic surgery, knee joint cartilage and osteoarthritis

Juha Silvola

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Professor II UiO
Field of expertise: Hearing, advanced ear surgery, 3D modelling, education in hearing and ear surgery

Knut Magne Augestad

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: Associate professor I, UiO
Fields of expertise: Gastroenterological surgery, surgical quality, quality indicators, registry research

Hirut Mergarsa

Academic degree: MSc Nursing/Midwifery
Position: PhD student
Fields of expertise: qualitative methodology, obstetric disrespect and abuse

Gørill Birkeli

Academic degree: MSc intensive care nursing
Position: PhD student
Fields of expertise: qualitative methodology, implementation research, green cross method, learning from excellence

Astrid Marie Berg

Academic degree: MSc intensive care nursing
Position: PhD student and train the trainer – instructor
Fields of expertise: effects of emergency outreach teams, ProAct and NEWS-methodology

Hege Krippendorf

Academic degree: MSc anesthesiology
Position: professional development nurse, Department of daycare surgery
Fields of expertise: anesthesiology in global trigger tool, development of GTT method

Ellen Delikås

Academic degree:  MD, PhD
Position: Senior researcher
Fields of expertise: patient safety culture, measurement of patient harm with global trigger tool

Ingeborg Steinholt

Academic degree: MD
Position: PhD student
Fields of expertise: surgical quality, evaluation of surgical quality of appendectomy

Margrethe Rogne

Academic degree: BSc
Position: professional development nurse
Fields of expertise: global trigger tool, urological cancer nursing

Marie Bruvik

Academic degree: Master of political science
Position: Senior advisor
Fields of expertise: patient safety measurements, quality improvement, statistical process control-methods

Lena Bjerknes Larsen

Position: senior advisor, master student
Fields of expertise: quality improvement, measuring patient harm by global trigger tool

Catherine Joyce Teig

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Position: head of Clinical expertise group on pelvic disorders
Fields of expertise: patient reported outcome measures, patient experience studies, development of quality registries

Lisbeth Thorsen

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Position: Associate professor
Fields of expertise: qualitative methodology, end-of-life care

Jon Helgeland

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Position: senior researcher
Fields of expertise: statistics, models for survival measurements, quality indicator developement

Katrine Damgård Skyrud

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Position: Senior researcher
Fields of expertise: Statistics, quality indicator development, survival analysis

Randi Ballangrud

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Position: associate professor
Fields of expertise: team Stepps, patient safety

Øystein Flesland

Academic degree: MD, PhD
Position: senior researcher
Fields of expertise: patient safety, transfusion medicine

Hanne Narbuvold

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Position: senior advisor
Fields of expertise. Statistics, development of quality indicators

Anne-Kari Johannessen

Academic degree: MSc, PhD
Fields of expertise: nursing

Anne Werner

Academic degree: MSc, PhD

Morten Glasø

Academic degree:  Md, PhD

Pål Jostein Didriksen

Gunnvor Marum

Toril Bakken

  •  Member of the Editorial board of BMC Health services research. Lindahl AK.
  • Reviewer European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Lindahl AK.

Opponent/member of adjudication committee

  • Member of the adjudication committee on the thesis: The association between malnutrition and postoperative complications, and the potential for prevention of both. Eli Skeie, University of Bergen, April 23, 2021. Lindahl AK.

Other academic activities

  • Advisor Research fellow Mona Haugum, University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute for Public Health. (dissertation 2022) Lindahl AK
  • Advisor Research fellow Rebecka Norman, University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute for Public Health (dissertation 2019) Lindahl AK
  • Advisor Research Fellow Hirut Werdofa, University of Oslo and Jimma University Hospital. Lindahl AK
  • Advisor Rearch Fellow Ana Carla Schippert, Oslo Met and Akershus University Hospital. Silvola, J.
  • Advisor Research Fellow Ingeborg Haug Steinsholt, University of Oslo and Akershus University hospital: Augestad KM, Lindahl AK
  • Advisor, several master’s thesis on quality and safety, University of Oslo, 2-3 per year, AK Lindahl
  • NSQH 2024 - Akershus universitetssykehus HF (ahus.no)

Monthly meetings, discussion on ongoing and related projects.  Research group leader takes part in montly meetings of the Surgical Research Group.

  • Evaluation of the Global Trigger Tool method in surgery
    • Project leader: Lindahl AK
    • Master student: Larsen LB

  • Learning from adverse events and learning from excellence. Patient safety 1 and Patient safety II in a postoperative ward.
    • Project leader: Lindahl AK
    • PhD student: Gøril Birkeli
  • Experiences of violence and abuse during childbirth in Ethiopia. Part of the Saccade UiO project.
    • Project leader: Lindahl AK, (Saccade: Jeanette Magnus, UiO)
    • PhD-student: Werdofa HM
  • Surgical quality.
    • Project leader: Knut Magne Augestad
    • PhD student: Ingeborg Haug Steinsholt

  • Werdofa HM, Thoresen L, Lulseged B, Lindahl AK. 'I believe respect means providing necessary treatment on time' - a qualitative study of health care providers' perspectives on disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Southwest Ethiopia.
    • BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 Apr 17;23(1):257. doi: 10.1186/s12884-023-05567-9.
  • Birkeli GH, Ballangrud R, Jacobsen HK, Tveter Deilkas EC, Lindahl AK. Green Cross method in a postanaesthesia care unit: a qualitative study of the healthcare professionals' experiences after 3 years, including the COVID-19 pandemic period.
    • BMJ Open Qual. 2023 May;12(2):e002247. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-002247.
  • Augestad KM, Skyrud KD, Lindahl AK, Helgeland. Hospital variations in failure to rescue after abdominal surgery: a nationwide, retrospective observational study.
    • J.BMJ Open. 2023 Nov 17;13(11):e075018. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075018.
  • Skyrud K, Helgeland J, Lindahl AK, Augestad. Abdominal surgical trajectories associated with failure to rescue. A nationwide analysis.
    • KM.Int J Qual Health Care. 2022 Nov 17;34(4):mzac084. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzac084.
  • Werdofa HM, Lindahl AK, Lulseged B, Thoresen L. Women's perspectives on disrespect and abuse experiences during childbirth in a teaching hospital in Southwest Ethiopia: a qualitative study.
    • Sex Reprod Health Matters. 2022 Dec;30(1):2088058. doi: 10.1080/26410397.2022.2088058.

  • Øyane NMF, Finckenhagen M, Ruths S, Thue G, Lindahl AK. Improving drug prescription in general practice using a novel quality improvement model.
    • Scand J Prim Health Care. 2021 Jun;39(2):174-183. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2021.1913922. Epub 2021 Jun 26.
  • Helgeland J, Skyrud K, Lindahl AK, Keller D, Augestad. Benchmarking of abdominal surgery: a study evaluating the HARM score in a European national cohort.
    • KM.BJS Open. 2020 Aug;4(4):637-644. doi: 10.1002/bjs5.50284. Epub 2020 Apr 21.
  • Helgeland J, Tomic O, Hansen TM, Kristoffersen DT, Hassani S, Lindahl AK. Postoperative wound dehiscence after laparotomy: a useful healthcare quality indicator? A cohort study based on Norwegian hospital administrative data.
    • BMJ Open. 2019 Apr 3;9(4):e026422. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026422.
  • Haugum M, Iversen HH, Helgeland J, Lindahl AK, Bjertnaes O. Patient experiences with interdisciplinary treatment for substance dependence: an assessment of quality indicators based on two national surveys in Norway.
    • Patient Prefer Adherence. 2019 Apr 5;13:453-464. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S194925. eCollection 2019.

  1. Axcrona K, Nilsson R, Brennhovd B, Sørebø Ø, Fosså SD, Dahl AA. Psychometric properties of the expanded prostate cancer index composite - 26 instrument in a cohort of radical prostatectomy patients: theoretical and practical examinations. BMC Urology. 2017;17(1):11.
  2. Bancroft EK, Page EC, Brook MN, Thomas S, Taylor N, Pope J, et al. A prospective prostate cancer screening programme for men with pathogenic variants in mismatch repair genes (IMPACT): initial results from an international prospective study. The Lancet Oncology. 2021;22(11):1618-31.
  3. Bjerknes C, Framroze B, Currie C, Pettersen CH, Axcrona K, Hermansen E. Salmon Protein Hydrolysate Potentiates the Growth Inhibitory Effect of Bicalutamide on Human Prostate Cancer Cell Lines LNCaP and PC3 by Modulating Iron Homeostasis. Marine Drugs. 2022;20(4):1-9.
  4. Carm KT, Hoff AM, Bakken AC, Axcrona U, Axcrona K, Lothe RA, et al. Interfocal heterogeneity challenges the clinical usefulness of molecular classification of primary prostate cancer. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1):6.
  5. Carm KT, Johannessen B, Bogaard M, Bakken AC, Maltau AMV, Hoff AM, et al. Somatic mutations reveal complex metastatic seeding from multifocal primary prostate cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 2022;152(5):945-51.
  6. Cerantola Y, Valerio M, Persson B, Jichlinski P, Ljungqvist O, Hubner M, et al. Guidelines for perioperative care after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) society recommendations. Clinical Nutrition. 2013;32(6):879-87.
  7. Chen H, Ewing CM, Zheng S, Grindedal EM, Cooney KA, Wiley KE, et al. Genetic factors influencing prostate cancer risk in Norwegian men. The Prostate. 2018;78(3):186-92.
  8. Dahl AA, Brennhovd B, Fosså SD, Axcrona K. A cross-sectional study of current work ability after radical prostatectomy. BMC Urology. 2020;20(1):1-7.
  9. Dahl AA, Fosså SD, Brennhovd B, Axcrona K. The EPIC-26 domain scores after radical prostatectomy are associated with the personality trait of neuroticism. International Urology and Nephrology. 2020.
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  422. Aas K, Axcrona K, Kvåle R, Møller B, Myklebust TÅ, Axcrona U, et al. Ten-year Mortality in Men With Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer in Norway. Urology. 2017;110:140-7.
  423. Aas K, Fosså SD, Kvåle R, Møller B, Myklebust TÅ, Vlatkovic L, et al. Is time from diagnosis to radical prostatectomy associated with oncological outcomes? World Journal of Urology. 2018;37(8):1571-80.


About us

The head of the Surgical Research Department also serves as the leader of the Surgical Research Committee, an advisory board dedicated to advancing research and research education within the Surgical Division. The committee consists of the division's research group leaders and the head of the Department of Surgical Sciences at Campus Ahus, University of Oslo. Research coordinators and consultants from the research department participate as observers in meetings and serve as record-keepers.

  • Providing research guidance and allocating research funding.
  • Stimulating and coordinating research internally within the division.
  • Assisting the division director on research-related matters.
  • Fostering mutual interaction between research and clinical work.
  • Cultivating a cohesive research environment across the division's specialties.
  • Encouraging scientific and other academic publications.
  • Maintaining an updated overview of research within the division.
  • Holding regular meetings within the Surgical Research Committee.
  • Organizing courses and seminars on research.
  • Managing research facilities at Dr. Kobros vei 23.

  • Promoting research and research education within the Surgical Division.
  • Providing opinions on current research-related issues.
  • Contributing to the development of research activities in the division and ensuring high research quality.

  • Juha Silvola, Department Head
  • Merete Helgeland, Research Coordinator
  • Inger Helene Nådland, Research Coordinator
  • Tiril Seppola Reed, Consultant
  • Marlene Jin Thompson, Intensive Care Nurse / Study Nurse
  • Mikael Omlid, 3D Lab

Annual Reports

Last updated 2/28/2024