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Research support

In recent years, Ahus has placed a strong focus on strengthening the infrastructure in research, particularly to ensure centralized and efficient processes. The Division of Research and Innovation currently provides various support functions to all researchers and research staff at Ahus, primarily in research administration, initiation and implementation of clinical studies, privacy (including agreements and contracts), biobank, internal control (including monitoring), library services, and health economics/statistics. Some highlighted support functions at Ahus include:

  • Intervention team at the start of a clinical study, including budgeting
  • Access to research outpatient clinics during study implementation
  • Project finance and personnel administration for projects with external funding
  • Literature searches for research projects and support for the publishing process from the Medical Library
  • Review of applications for external funding (Grants)
  • Research laboratory (EpiGen)
  • Akershus Clinical Research Center (ACR) provides professional advice and assistance for the implementation of clinical studies, with a particular focus on pragmatic studies
  • Electronic registration of the processing of personal data (eSkjema). Ensures internal control function for all quality and research projects and provides a complete overview of projects at Ahus
  • Data Warehouse – the possibility of extracting data for research from all hospital information systems, including pre-screening of relevant patients as participants in projects.
  • Division of Diagnostics and Technology: laboratories, pathology, radiology
  • User Participation Committee contributes to user involvement in research

For complete research support website in Norwegian: Forskning og innovasjon


Sist oppdatert 29.01.2024